Top Ten & My Favorite Posts from 2010

Blogger stats as of 1-9-11, This Blog's Top Ten most popular posts.
1. Prayer Rock Craft
910 Pageviews
2. Our Lady of the Rosary
637 Pageviews
3. Your Saint for 2011 ~ An Inspiring Companion
624 Pageviews
4. How we got here
553 Pageviews
5. Pray, Hope & Don't Worry was his motto
428 Pageviews
6. CHC, OLVS, MODG, SETON and our Catholic Homeschool...
Mar 12, 2010, 7 comments with 280 Pageviews
7. Notes from IHM conference - Laura Berquist, MODG
266 Pageviews
8. Something About Mary ~ Kolbe Consecration
178 Pageviews
9. Homeschool Lego Club
174 Pageviews
10. Gratitude Quotes to Ponder over Thanksgiving
160 Pageviews
I think some of these are "popular" because of the title searched or the photo found.
And so, I now list my favorites, in the order they were posted throughout 2010. That's easy. Posting my favorite posts from the truly excellent bloggers out there would be too many to list...
Homeschooling Can Be a Prayer - where I relate how the very act of trying and sometimes failing in homeschooling can serve as a prayer.
Life Giving Love - Children are a gift from God, they are His reward the Bible tells us. His Love is life giving love and Mother's Day is a reminder of that love.
A Good Spot - Four bird eggs in a safe my 4 and where we are....
Letter to a Mom with Homeschooling Doubts - addressing doubts, offer a way to see through them
Mothers and Sons ~ From Me to We - active listening for the future we want
Vulgarity - seeing profanity for what it is, famous quotes on it and prayers
Get a Life - soldiering for Life
Just 2% of the Day - Tithing our day to God
Homeschool Sibling Bonds - photos that speak about the rewards of homeschooling
Tom Rutkoski ~ The Man Responsible - conversion memories
When A Silent Clock Chimes - remembering our beloved departed
Hope you've enjoyed visiting this past year and that we can share 2011 together, too! I truly thank you and appreciate you, dear reader.
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