Easy Pizza My 6 Year Old Makes
My Pizza lovin' daughter (age 6) loves to make this lunch and can do so with only a small amount of help from me.
We keep english muffins in the freezer. Just 30 seconds in the microwave defrosts them and I open it up for her.
She smears on the "plain" pasta sauce she likes on to the muffin.
Then she sprinkles some mozzarella cheese on top.
I place it in the toaster oven for just a little time to melt it and she devours her "homemade pizza." She's the SemiHomemade 6 year old chef!
Being able to "cook" something is the beginning of a skill I hope she develops as she grows with the same enthusiasm she has for it now. I've watched all 4 of my children grow to make their own lunches (when they want to) and it certainly gives them a sense of pride and even creativity!
Cooking - a confidence builder and a part of our homeschool day.
My Pizza lovin' daughter (age 6) loves to make this lunch and can do so with only a small amount of help from me.
Being able to "cook" something is the beginning of a skill I hope she develops as she grows with the same enthusiasm she has for it now. I've watched all 4 of my children grow to make their own lunches (when they want to) and it certainly gives them a sense of pride and even creativity!
Cooking - a confidence builder and a part of our homeschool day.
Those are going on my grocery list! Our lives here have been so hectic the past month, and this is just the kind of thing my crew would love to do. And for me....minimal mess and happy faces at the lunch table. My 5 year old wants to do "grown up" things every day; he'll be thrilled.
I was just explaining the english muffin pizzas to my daughter today. Still haven't convinced her to try it.
Is it this way for you, Diane? My daughter will try things that she makes.
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