Prayer Rock Craft

17 years ago

Here's a birthday gift we recently made, a fun and easy craft for kids.

We found some pretty, round edge stones and painted them.

On them, we will write PRAYER ROCK.

Then we'll cut a circle of fabric with pinking shears, wrap our rock in it and tie it with a pretty ribbon.

This little note will go along with the Prayer Rock gift......

I'm just your little prayer rock
And this is what I'll do:
Just put me on your pillow
until the day is through.

When you turn back the covers
and climb into your bed,
Whack...your little prayer rock
will hit you on your head!

Then you will remember
as the day is through
to kneel and say your prayers
as you had wanted to.

Then when you are finished
just dump me on the floor.
I'll stay there through the night
to give you help once more.

When you get up in the morning,
Clunk! I'll stub your toe
so that you will remember
your prayers before you go!

Put me back on your pillow
when your bed is made
and your clever little prayer rock
will continue in your aid.

Because, Your heavenly Father
cares and loves you so
He wants you to remember
to talk to Him, you know.

1 comment:

Jessica Gordon said...

I just love that poem! I have heard it before some time ago, but had forgotten about it. What a nice craft!

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