Your 2013 Saint Companion & Giveaway!
It's that time again... I will prayerfully ask God to guide my hand in choosing your Saint Companion to guide your 2013....AND you can also enter to win the Catholic Child's Teaching Bible and supplies.
FOR OUR 9th is time to pick a new saint to guide each of us this year, as we have done in years before. Did you get a saint last year? Blog about it...encourage this tradition.
It is said that the Saint picks YOU.
It is said that the Saint picks YOU.
In our family, we post our Saints of the Year on our refrigerator so that we are constantly reminded of them... of our journey with them... to be inspired by what their life can teach us in our faith journey. It becomes a great learning and spiritual study to google our saint and learn and read as much as we can about them.
With solemnity, we each fervently pray as our hand reaches into the basket. We ask that the saint God intends to "teach and journey " with us this year will choose us.
And they have been so meaningful to us. Sometimes a certain saint likes to stay and share themselves with other members of our Padre Pio, St. Therese's family and Mother Cabrini. We are growing in love for our saints. Some might say we are Saint Junkies!
And they have been so meaningful to us. Sometimes a certain saint likes to stay and share themselves with other members of our Padre Pio, St. Therese's family and Mother Cabrini. We are growing in love for our saints. Some might say we are Saint Junkies!
Would you like to have a companion saint this year? CAN I PICK A SAINT FOR YOU?
Leave me a comment and I will leave you one back with a Saint Companion for 2013. Then, google all you can about them. Get a medal and post their prayer card on your mirror...learn from them and their struggles. Make it a New Year's resolution to let them transform you in some way!
All you holy men and women, ora pro nobis.
(This project becomes larger each year, thank you, Lord! Please be patient with me as I gladly respond to requests as promptly as I can.)
+ S P E C I A L A D D E D F E A T U R E T H I S Y E A R +
You came to this blog post in a quest for spiritual companionship, finding a saint to help guide your year of faith. I believe this giveaway dovetails nicely because with this resource your family can also meet that calling to grow in virtue and closeness to God's Word...the way the Saints did. This book will encourage you and your family to open your bibles more! There, in His Word, you will meet Him, like our role models the saints, who now pray before the face of God in heaven.
To enter the GIVEAWAY...follow the instructions at this link, a Rafflecopter giveaway .
Happy New Year! Please pick a saint for me. The teaching Bible sounds like it's a great resource.
You are so thoughtful to do this again!! Especially because I know how much prayer & time you put into it.. so THANK YOU. I'd love a companion Saint this year. :)
Happy New Year!! May you & your family have a blessed year.
What an awesome blog you have! May God continue to bless you and your ministry! Please pick a saint for me!
Thank you for doing this again this year, we are grateful for all your prayers and hard work....
Thank you for doing this! I would love for you to pray for me and suggest a companion Saint or Blessed for the year.
Thank you! ~Anastasia
What a great idea! I would love a companion saint for the year :)
Happy and blesses new year to you and yours!
Oh I was wondering if you would do this again! Thank you for doing this again this year. Could you pick saint companions for myself and all of my family?
Tina (me)
Sascha (my husband)
Noah (12), Maria (10), Owen (7), Patrick (2), Adam (baby)
God Bless and wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Holy New Year!!!
Thanks for this! I am eager to have a companion saint for this year.
I would like a saint for Alexandra, Jacob, carol, Aidan, Luke, and Christina. Thank you :)
I always love this - thank you for doing it. I would love a saint for the new year.
Dear Cousin!
I would LOVE your assistance in selecting a Saint for 2013! Much love and happiness to you and your family in 2013.
Love, Dianne
Many blessings to you and your family in this new year. Thanks for doing this.
Thanks for doing this. I want a Saint.
Hi Allison, This is the first year I'm seeing this so I'm new to all this....If I'm understanding you right, please pick a saint for us, too. And I'd also love to enter the the giveaway! Thanks so much for doing this! Blessing to you and the family in the new year!
I really love this! Thank you for doing it for everyone every year! Please pick one for the Klug family.
May God bless you and your family in 2013!
I would love a companion Saint this year too.
Hi Allison,
Thank You for doing this again. Please pick a saint for
Thank you, Allison,
Please pick a saint for me (MaryAnne Walden), my husband Chuck, my son Vincent, my daughter Elizabeth, and my youngest son, Chandler who will be making his First Holy Communion in April.
God blessy you!!
Thank you for offering this! I would love to have a companion saint choose me through you. Many blessings for you & your family in this new year!
Thank you so much for this fabulous ministry! We would like saints for this year please
God bless,
Jason (my husband)
Gianna (4), Joshua (18 months), new baby 2013
Hi Allison-- Thank you so much for doing this again. My family has been participating for three years now. Love it!
Please choose saints for the 6 of us:
Mark, Gloria, Bradley, Bryana, Christian, Clare. Blessings!
I love that you do this! Every year the saint that picks us is just what we need! Thank you so much for blessing us by doing this!
Please, pick a saint for the Klug Family.
Thank you, God bless, and Happy New Year to you and yours!
Hi Allison,
I don't think my first request posted. Thank you for doing this again. God is so good in the saints He sends our way!
Please pick one for me and one for my darling daughter.
Thank you and God Bless!
Happy Feast Day! We would love to have you pick a saint for our home!
I would love for you to pick me a saint that I can get to know this coming year. Thanks so much!
Allison, thanks for doing this again this year! I'd like to request a saint for me, MaryJoan and also Will (DH), Neal (DS) and Matthew (DS), and also my friend, Linda. Thanks so much!
Thanks Allison, looking forward to who we get this year! God Bless.
I'm new to this, but love the idea. Please choose a saint for me. Thank you for the time you put into sharing this with others!
Thanks for doing this Allison!! We enjoyed learning more about St.Teresa of Avila in 2012...can't wait to see which Saint picks the Clark family this year!
Thanks so much! We would love saints for our family:
The Bible looks wonderful!
Thank you for your lovely blog! The Mule' Family would like a Saint to help bring us closer to each other and to God this year.
I would love a companion Saint for my family.
Madeleine - mom Javier- dad, Spencer 6 with Autism and Scott 2.
Many blessings and thank you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Would you please, pick a saint for our family this year? You helped in choosing Saint Catherine of Siena a few years ago and we love her so much, we decided to keep her as our family saint for two years and, if our new baby is a girl, her name will be Mary Catherine! Thank you for the blessing you are to so many families!
What specifically do you do with the Saint throughout the year...that is where I am lost...other than praying to them and learning about them, what else do you do?
Looks like a wonderful tool to help my children.
Entered under Jill L
Hello Allison,
Thank you for doing this!
We need the following for our family, please:
My mom
My husband
Oldest son
Youngest son
Our family
God bless!
Thanks, Allison. Please choose a saint for the davis family and God bless you an dyour family
I'd love Saints for all my family members (and the blog!) if you're able. Thank you so much for doing this and I'm off to check out the teaching guide and enter. I just bought something similar that is not Catholic (but helps you mark versus in whichever Bible you own.) However, I'd much prefer a completely Catholic one!
I love this idea. Please choose a saint for me.
Happy New Year
I'm new to this...please pick a saint for me for our year of faith 2013. Thank you!
Thank you for doing this!! We loved learning about our saints. We want to do this again .
We would love to begin this tradition as a family!... We look forward to learning about our Saint...Thank you!
This s a wonderful idea and my first year to do it. I have two girls that are both under 4 and my husband and I would love to begin this tradition. Would you pick two saints for us, one for Jose and one for me.
God bless you and yours.
I am in need of a spiritual helper.
I having a feeling this saint is going to be pick just for me.
Thank you for this beautiful service you give to us.
Thank you for this gift! I would love for you to pick a saint for me. Thank you also for the giveaway, many blessings this year for you!
Please pick one for me!!
Thank you for doing this Allison! Please pick a saint for the Saegaert family!
I would love to begin this tradition with my family if you could choose a Saint for my husband and I we would really appreciate it.
The saint picks you is so true. My daughter is applying to a religious community expecting to be received in June. Her soon-to-be superior picked a saint for her--St. Apollonia who is the patroness of dentists and dental patients. My daughter needs extensive dental work before she can enter. We didn't know the patron saint for dental work before.
I would like a companion saint to journey with me in this year of major changes for our family. Thanks so much for this good work you are doing. May the Lord reward you.
What a blessing this was for me and my family last year - so exciting! Thank you for doing this! Saint please... :)
Great response for Day One!
In order received, here is the first batch of prayerful picks.
Remember to google and read a lot about your saint. Something about this companion WILL be meaningful to your year and faith journey.
I'd love to hear your stories, how God picks these saints....
Karen from Adventures - Francis Xavier, Dec. 3rd Missionary
Jessica of Living the Liturgy - The Holy Innocents. Dec.28 Pray to end abortion
Mrs. Miller - St. Bernard, Doctor of the Church, Aug 20 - pray for those called that have not yet said "yes."
Jamie Jo - St. Juan Diego July 31
Anastasia Kenney The Holy Guardian Angels Oct. 2
Kim B. - Doctor of the Church, St. Bonaventure July 15
Tina Marie St. Dominic, Aug 8 praying for hardened hearts - Sascha, Bl. Charles de Foucault - Noah, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Dec 8 - Maria, Our Lady Queen of Peace, June25 - Owen, St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of Church Sept.13 - Patrick, Blessed Pope John Paul II April 2 - Adam, St. Martha of Bethany
Corry O - St. Dominic, Aug 8
Christina - St. Luke the Evangelist, Oct.18 - Alexandra, St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist, Nov 5 - Jacob, St. Elizabeth Seton Jan.4 - Carol, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July16 - Aidan, St. Veronica Feb 4 adore Jesus in Adoration - Luke, St. Maria Goretti July 16 pray for purity of heart
Lorna - St. John Eudes Aug 19
Cousin Dianne - St. Cecilia Nov 22
Olga - St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Nov8
Jennifer @Catholic Inspired - St. Genevieve praying for virginity of youth
Klug family - St. Peter Chanel Apr28 praying for vocations
Concepcion Vidal - Child Jesus, King of Love - praying that all He will reign in all hearts
Kathy - St. Catherine of Alexandria Nov25, praying for nurses and unmarried. Christine - St. Joan or Arc, May30 - Cayla, St. Maria Fasutina of Divine Mercy, Oct5 - Tom, Sts. Felicity and Perpetua, Mar3 praying for the courage of the martyrs. Joanna - St. Jeanne of Chantal Dec12 praying for Mothers and Kathryn, St. Barbara Dec4
Missy68- MaryAnne Waldern, Archangel Raphael, Sep29 and Chuck, St. Stephen 1st martyr Dec26 and Vincent, St. Therese Lisieux, Doctor of the Church, Oct 1 and elizabeth, St. Andrew Nov30 and Chandler, St. Catherine of Genoa Sep15 praying for souls in purgatory
Maria of Four Blessings Academy -St. Anne Jul26 praying for mothers
Angela Unknown - St. Peter Chanel ap28 vocations and Jason-St. Camillus de Lellis July14 and Gianna - Doctor of Church, St. Bernard Aug20 and Joshua-St. Angela Merici Jan27 praying for mothers and New Baby-St. Mary Magdalene July22
Mark - St. Bernadette of Lourdes Apr16 and Gloria- St. Dismas the Good Thief praying for conversions and Bradley- St. John of the Cross Dec14 and Bryana - Newborn Baby Jesus praying He will be your guide and Christian-St. Elizabeth of Portugal July 4 praying for conversions of politicians and Clare- St. Francis Oct 4
Debbi- Archangel Gabriel Sep29
SaraG - St. Anthony of Padua Jun13
Chris from Longing for Home - St. Michael the Archangel sep29
MaryJoan- St. Matthew apostle Sep21 and Will-St. Dismas Good Thief praying for conversions and Neal-St. Teresa of Calcutt Oct19 and Matthew-St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of Church Sep13 and Linda - St. Gianna Molla Apr28 praying that all choose life for their babies.
Laura from Homeschooling with Joy! St. Dominic Savio Mar9 praying for youth.
Amy of Tiny Blessings (I have a 15yo Type 1 son and enjoy your blog) The Holy Souls in purgatory Nov2
Clark family On My Mind St. Thomas the apostle July3
JenniferG - Holy Grandparents and Sts. Joachim & Ann July26 praying for healing in families and Matthew - St. Seraphim Jan2 praying for unity in the Church and Jennifer-St.Paul Jun29 praying for conversions and Sylvia - St.Patrick Mar17 praying for evangelists and Walden- St.VincentdePaul Sep27 praying for compassion and Ignatius-St. Mechtilde Nov16
Susan Mule - St. Peter Chanel praying for vocations Apr28
Madeleine Othon-Roque - St. Margaret mary Alacoque of devotion to the Sacred Heart and Javier- St.Theresa Calcutta Oct 19 praying to serve with joy and Spencer-St.Leo Doctor of the Church Nov10 andScott-St. martha of Bethany July29 praying for despairing
Lindsey of The Tentative Housewife - St. Rose of Lima Aug23
Maggie, who wonders what to do - read about your Saint, Albert Doctor of the Church Nov15
Chip Jill L - St. AUgustine, Doctor of the Church Aug28 praying for conversions
Lori from HeartofSeton - St. Lawrence Aug10 Doctor of the Church praying that Protestants convert thru Mary and your Mom- St. Nicholas Dec6 praying for a childlike heart and Husband- Holy Family and Oldest Son- St. Aquinas Doctor of Church Jan28 praying for conversions and Daughter- St. Athanasius, Doctor of Church May2 and Youngest Son - St. Alphonus de Ligouri Aug1 and FAMILY - St. John Eudes Aug19
Cooling the Canvas, Davis family - St. Leopold Mandic Oct16
Laura O in AK - St. Valentine 2/14 praying to model Christ's love and Husband - Holy Innocents praying to end abortion and Son 1- St. Bonaventure, Doctor of Church July15 and Son2- St. Benedict Joseph mabre Apr16 and Son3- St. Genevieve and Son4- St. John Vianney Aug4 praying for priests and BLOG- Bl. mariam of Bethlehem Aug26 praying for liberation of those under the power of darkness
Mrs. Lee Trifone - Our Lady of Lourdes Feb 11
Rob- St. Matthew apostle Sep21 and Paula- St. Margaret of Scotland Nov16 praying for large families and Ryan-Padre Pio Sep23 andTyler-St.Stephen 1st martyr Dec26 and Jacob-St. John Bosco Jan31 praying for teachers and Shayla- St. George Apr23 praying for soldiers
Melanie - St. Jude Oct 28
Momma8 St. Simon of Cyrene Dec1
Marissa Fleites - St. Albert Doctor of the Church Nov 15 and Jose- Our Lady of Lourdes 2/11
tania Berg - St. Francis Oct4 praying for gift of faith
Aleigh - St. Dismas, the goof theif, praying for conversions
Saegaert Family - St. Timothy Jan26
Audrey P - St. John Evangelist Dec27 and husband St. John Baptist June24 and Aug29
Regina M- St. Gertrude Nov16 praying for Holy Souls
Corinne - St. Jeanne of Chantal Dec12 praying for mothers
Please pick a saint for me as well. :)
Thank you for continuing the companion saints:
May God bless you in the New Year!
I think I got overlooked. Please choose a saint for me.
Hi Dear Freind
The Remaley Family would love one for the third time. The other two were wonderful We have a very busy year and we will need all the help we can get. I would ;ove to enter the giveaway
Thank you for doing this. Could you please choose a saint for my husband Lee and me (Cathie). Thank you!
Please pick a saint for me whenever you have a moment. Thanks so much for providing this service.
I have to commend you on your great pick for me. St. Francis Xavier's feast day just so happens to be the day I was baptized.
I would consider it an honor if ee were to hand pick our Saints for this year.
Our family consists of:
Eslinda . great-grandmother
Rafael - great-,grandfather
Arnie - grandfather
Nancy - geandmother
Vikki - daughter
Aaryana - grandaughter
Aaryn - grandaughter
Aabry - grandaughter
As you can see 4 generations strong, Thanks be to God!
Please pick a saint for our family. Thank you so much!
What a great idea! Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for doing this! I would love for you to pick a companion saint for me and my family. The giveaway looks awesome, too!
God bless!
Thank you for doing this! I would love for you to pick a saint for me and my family. The giveaway looks awesome, too.
God bless!
Hello, this is my first time on this site and I'm loving it. We are a homeschooling family and could really use some.saints this year as last year was terrible for us. My grandpa was murdered, we were sick a lot, my grandma has Alzheimer's and we help care for her, and we just put my dog down from having breast cancer tumors rupturing, among many many other things. My family members that would like saints are... Me -Maggie, my husband Monohan, our kids ayden, dinah, allie, and ruby, my sister Veronica, my parents Deborah and Andrew, and my grandma vernice. And if we can enter the bible giveaway that would be great too. My kids take CCD classes and my husband is converting thru the rcia classes. Praise the Lord!!
This is my first year joining in, I would love for you to pick a Saint for me! Thank you for doing this!
I already have my Catholic Teaching Bible and love it!!
Hi Allison! What a great idea! I would love for a saint to be picked for me for 2013. Thanks!
You begin with "The Saints pick YOU." I recently started to renew my Catholic Faith and I feel that I was led here. Please reveal to me which Saint had chosen me for 2013. Thank you and God bless.
Thank you for doing this again for us all, Alison. Last year you picked St Peter for us, which was wonderful. I look forward to learning more about another of our heavenly helpers :)
Becky x
Please pick a saint for the Adair family -
Ronald (DH)
Catherine (me!)
Carmella (11)
George (9)
Francis (2)
Ava-Marie (14 months)
New baby being born on January25
Thank you and may God bless you!
THANK YOU for offering this wonderful devotional aid again this year!
If you could pick a 2013 saint for me, I would be so grateful!
A Blessed Happy, Healthy, and Holy New Year, Alison, to you and yours!
Would you please chose a saint for:
Thank you and God bless!
Would you please pick a saint for the Compton Family?? Thanks!
YAY,YAY, YAY!!! This has become one of our favorite traditions. We would be honored if you could pick a Saint Companion for our family again this year. Love and blessings to you and the family.
Thank you so much for doing this again this year. We loved learning about ours last year. Please help us find companions on this journey. Our family:
Tom (dad)
Mary Jo (me, mom)
Joseph (10)
Maximilian (2 1/2)
Peace and many thanks!
And oh, love the giveaway, too.
~Mary Jo
I'd love for you to pick a saint for the loyd family to get to know this year. I have been wanting to start this tradition. Thank you!
What a Blessing that you continue to do this year after year! Would you please choose a Saint for the Daw family Thank you so much!
Second try for commenting here.
Yes I would love for you to pick The Belske's saint for 2013!
If you would please pick a Saint for our family again this year. I have loved having you do this. It has been such a blessing!
We have never done this and I would love to start if you would pick a saint for my family. The giveaway looks great too!
I would love it if you would pick a saint for family, and the giveaway looks great!
Thank you for offering this. Please pick one for me.
Heather S
Hi Allison!
Please choose a saint for me and one for my family.
Thank you so much!
God Bless you and your family.
Ashley Drew
Happy New Year! Please pick a Saint for me...I'm in desperate need! Thank you.
Oh, I would love it if you could choose a saint for our family this year. Thank you so very much, Maribeth O'Hara
HI Allison! :)
I just saw your blog post via my RSS feed and it is such a God-cidence that we had just been discussing who should be our family patron saint/saint companion for this year.
Our 6 yr old son, Timothy, suggested St. Pedro Calungsod, as he wants a saint from the Philippines. But I would LOVE to have you pray for one for us as a family and as individuals! :)
Please do include us in your prayer list:
Tina (me), my husband Anthony, Timothy (6 y/o) and Therese (3 y/o) and the little one in my womb :)
I'd love to join the giveaway too, but I don't know if I'm eligible since we're based in the Philippines. :)
Thanks so much! I LOVE your blog — thank you for allowing God to use you in the New Evangelization!
God bless always!
Love from Manila,
Tina of Truly Rich Mom
What an amazing (brought to life) idea! We love to interact with our holy Saints. Please pick out a saint for our family if you have time. 89 comments certainly has to keep you busy no doubt. Thanks for sharing your fun tradition!
Day 2 - Tonight's 1st round of picks
Karla in MN - Bl. Leonie Martin Jun16 pray for children who are not understood and husband - St. Louis de Montfort, make the consecration to Jesus thru Mary, feast apr28 andMax - St. maria Goretti July6 and Cheyenne - St. Dismas the good thief. Josy - Bl. Charles de Foucault
Therese - Musings of a Mom! St. Rita May22 incorrupt
My dear Christine J - how could I miss you! St. Joan of Arc May30
Debra, sorry, too - St. Bonaventure, Doctor of Church Jul15
Dear Remaleys - St. Anthony of Egypt Jan17 praying for purification of world from evil!
DaisyCat Lee - St. Maximillian Kolbe Aug14 praying that Mary will reign in hearts and Cathie - St. Seraphim Jan2 praying for unity in the Church
Christine B Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich Feb9
Eslinda - St. Joseph of Arimathea Mar17 praying for reverence of Christ's Body and Rfael - St Timothey Jan26 and Arnie - Sts. Felicity and Perpetua Mar7 praying for courage of the martyrs and nancy- St. Gemma Galgani April 11 and Vikki - St. Martha of bethany Jul29 praying for those despairing and Aaryana - Bl. Francisco of Fatima praying for children and Aaryn - St. Thomas more Jun22 praying for culture of life and Aabry - Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Dec8
Cattitude - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Oct16 praying for those crushed by trials
Leslie - Holy Innocents Dec 28 praying to end abortion
Sharon Perts - St. Therese Little Flower Doctor of Church Oct1 praying for love in families and John - Queen of Peace un25 bring to Mary all of your conflicts and Joshua - St. Vincent dePaul Sep27 praying for compassion and Samuel - St. Athanasius, Doctor of Church May2 defend the faith and isaac - St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of Church Sep13 praying to be kind to the unkind and Veronica - St. martha of Bethany and Joachim - St. Dominic Aug8 praying for hardened hearts.
Margaret Wilson - St. ohn Eudes and Monohan - Mother Teresa of Calcutta Oct19 praying to serve with joy and Ayden - St. Benedict Jos. Labre Apr16 praying for homeless and Dinah - St. Dominic Aug8 praying for hardened hearts and Allie - St. Gianna Molla Apr28 praying all parents choose life and Ruby - Bl. Francisco of Fatima praying for children and veronica - Sts. Joachim and Ann, grandparents of the Lord July26 praying for healing in families and Deborah - St. Leopold mandic Oct 16 praying for good confessions and Andrew - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Jan 4 and Vernice - St.Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross with Jesus.
Day 2 - 2nd round of tonight's picks
marcia - St. Genevieve
Anonymous Sara - St. John Bosco jan 31 to pray for teachers
Charles Ganotisi - St. Stephen 1st martyr dec26
Becky B X St Peter apostle June29 pray for the Pope
Catherine Adair - Catherine of Alexandria Nov25 praying for nurses and unmarried and Ronald - St. Camillus de Lellis praying for healthcare workers! Carmella - St. Albert Doctor of the Church Nov 15 and George - Jeanne of Chantal Dec12 praying for mothers and Francis - St. Gertrude Nov 16 praying for enemies of the Church and Ava-Marie - Our Lady of Lourdes Feb11 and New Baby - St. Dominic Savio
Sheila - St. Leo Doctor of Church Nov10
Debbi - St. John Chrysostom Doctor of Church Sep13 and Hanna - St. Stephen 1st martyr Dec26
Andi Compton - St. Patrick of Ireland mar17 praying for evangelists
Beloved Licciardis - The Holy Family +JMJ+ feast The Sixth Day of Christmas and praying for families
MaryJo - St. Vincent De Paul Sep27 praying for compassion and Tom - St. john Bosco Jan31 and Joseph - St. Juan Diego Jul31 praying fro unity among nations and Max - St. barbara Dec4
Gloria Lyd - St. Jerome Sep30 Praying for love of God's Word
Daws - St. Lawrence, Doctor of Church Aug10 praying that Protestants convert thru Mary
Sanoiarentals - St. Augustine, Doctor of Church Aug28 praying for conversions
Belske - St. Claire Aug11
Rebecca - St. Augustine Doctor of Church Aug28 praying for conversions
Dear Ashley Drew - Bl. Luigi and Maria Quattrocchi Apr28 praying for stong, virtuous, holy families
Reanna - St. Padre Pio Sep23
Heather S - St. Lawrence, Doctor of Church Aug10 praying that Protestants convert thru mary
Dear Marybeth O - St. Catherine Laboure Nov28 praying for enemies of the church
nancy - St. Alphonsus Liguori Aug1 praying for good spiritual directors
Tina S R - St. Philip Neri may26 praying for those who have not yet found Jesus and Anthony - St. Leopold Mandic Oct16 praying for good confessions and Timothy - St. Michael Archangel Sep29 and Therese - St. Margaret of Sctoland Nov16 praying for large families and Baby - St. Luke evangelist Oct18 praying for those who question the faith
Maria - St. Matthew Sep21
Apple - St. Faustina of Divine Mercy Oct5 and Husband - St. Joan of Arc May 30 and daughter for St. Teresa Benedicta (edith Stein) Aug9
and Goodnight, faithful...more tomorrow.
If you still are able, I would love to have one picked
for me
Good Morning Allison, We need 9 saints please:
Hi. I thought I posted a comment previously, but cannot find so hoping this isn't a duplicate.
We would love for you to pick a family saint for us.
Thank you very much and blessings to you and your family.
Amy K.
It looks like my first attempt is missing. Can I have saints picked for the following:
Thank you!
Asselin Family
Hi! I'm so excited, I just found out about this! I'd love for you to pick a companion for me!
Thanks so much!
Hello! God bless you and thank you for prayerfully choosing our companion saints for 2013!
Mark & Karleen
Leyton, Amara, Damien & Simon
I would love to have a saint picked for my family, the Towns family.
Cathy Towns
I would love if you picked a saint for our family.
Hi Alison,
Thank you for doing this for all of us. Could you please select saints for us:
Thank you. May you and your family have a blessed rest of the Christmas season and a blessed 2103.
Sorry I missed last night, here are the day 3 picks - BATCH3
Jen - St. Camillus de Lellis and to pray for healthcare workers (found this confirming of your work in fitness)
Jenny of Suscipio - St. Cecilia and to pray for married couples and Chris - St. Benedict Joseph Labre Apr 16 topray for homeless and Bernadette - St. Ignatius of Loyola Jul31 praying for a spirit of total surrender and Veronica -St. Michael the Archangel Sep29 praying for those under Satan's influence and Anna- St. Anthony of Egypt Jan 17 praying forpurification of the world from evil and Luke -St. Francis of Assisi Oct4 praying for gift of faith and Bridget - Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec12 praying greater dependence on love of Mary and Max- St. Gertrude Nov.16 holy souls and for enemies and Leo - St. Thomas More Jun22 praying for lawmakers to bring forth a culture of life
Amy K - Our lady of Mt. Carmel Jul16 praying for peace and interior silence in thehearts of Bishops and priests
Elizabeth Asselin - St. Martha of Bethany Jul29 praying for the despairing and, Mike - St. Elizabethmother of John the Baptist Nov5 and Nicole - St. Benedict Jul11 and Lauren - St. Louis de Montfort Apr28 and AShley - St. ohn evangelist Dec27 and Genevieve - Bl.Leonie martin Jun16 andIan - St. Elizabeth of the trinity nov8 and Liliana - Archangel Raphael Sep29 and Liam - Bl. Jacinta of Fatima Jul26 and Babcia- St. Isadore, Doctor of the Church Apr4
Karen Delaney - St. Gianna Molla Apr28 pray for parents to choose life
Smith Family Karleen - St. James apostle July25 pray for zeal in priests and Mark - St. Paul Jan25 pray for Christian unity and Leyton - St. Elizabeth of portugal Jul4 and conversions of politicians and Amara - St. Francis de Sales Jan24 pray for writers and Damien - St. Bonaventure, Doctor of Church Jul15 reflect on the crucified Lord and Simon - St. John Neumann Jan5 pray to understand God's plans for you.
Cathy Towns - St. Francis Xavier Dec3 and pray of missionaries
Mary - St. Rita May22 healing in marriages and Maria - St. Peter Julian Eymard Aug2 devotion to Eucharistic Adoration and Our Lady and Rebecca - St. Rose of Lima Aug23 pray for souls to see true beauty in the cross
Amelia Wright - Bl. Teresa of Calcutta Oct19 pray to serve with joy.
God BLESS you all for your patience!
Hi Allison,
Could you please pick a saint for my son Nathaniel? He asked for one after he noticed his sisters and I had saints selected!
Thank you.
:) Mary
Hi Allison
I have received so many, many blessings from my saints in past years.
Please pick a saint for:
and our friend Tony.
Thanks and God Bless,
Hello, we are a family of 8. 6 children 10 and under. Do you need their names and individual ages? Thank you for doing this. It must be a lot of work. God Bless your undertaking. Stasia
Hello! Thank you for doing this. Please choose a saint for the Torres Family
the Canich Family
St Peter again! Wow! I cannot imagine that happens two years running to many of us. Thank you Alison. I guess my family needs his prayers especially!
Becky Booth x
Hi everyone! Hope you're having a blessed weekend! Here's the latest batch -
For Mary's Nathaniel - St. Peter Chanel Apr28
Stephanie, A Handmaid - St. Gabriel the Athangel and Lance- Bl. JPII Apr2 and James - St. Peter the apostle 29Jun to pray for Pope and Ian- St. John Vianney Aug4 to pray for priests and Johnathon - St. Charles Borromeo Nov4 and Lily - also St. Peter Chanel!! and Richard - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Oct16praying for devotion to the Sacred Heart, First Fridays and Tony - Blessed Charles de Foucault Dec1
Stasia -St. Anthony of Padua Jun 13 non-believers to find faith and Husband - St. Dismas, the good thief to pray for conversions and Child1- Holy Family +JMJ+ to pray for families and Child2 - Queen of Peace Jun25 praying for devotion to Our Lady and peace and Child3- St. Thomas the Apostle Jul3 praying for unbelievers and Child4- St. John Vianney Aug.4 praying for priests and Child5- St. veronica Feb4 comforting the face of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration and Child6- St. Catherine of genoa sep15 for souls in purgatory (THESE have an interesting theme throughout!)
Nicole Torres - St. Bernadette Apr16 offering sacrifices to Mary and Joey - St. Angela Merici jan27 praying for mothers and Nathaniel - St. Bernard Doctor of Church Aug20 praying for those who have not yet said yes to Christ and Ava - St. Mary Magdalene for those in sin Jun22 and Eden - St. teresa of avila Oct15 and Jacob - St. Charbel dec24 marian devotion and Xander -St. Dominic Savio praying for youth and the Canich Family - also St. Bernadette, offering sacrifices to Mary!
And to Becky B -I think it is very confirming and meaningful when a saint chooses to stay with a family!
Hope you are all googling your saints. God bless!
Hi, I would love for you to pick saints for the following:
Irene (me)
Samuel &
Thank you,
The O'Brien Family
Can you pick a saint for our homeschool family. It is only Dad, Mom and son, Charles.
Dear Allison,
Could you please pick a saint for my family?
Thank you so much!
Tricia Homes
Hope you all had a wonderful Epiphany. Here's the latest batch of companion saints.
Irene O'Brien - St. Francis of Assisi Oct4 pray for gift of faith and Kevin - St. Dismas, the good thief, pray for conversion and Samuel - St. Cecilia pray for married couples and Joshua - St. Kateri Tekawitha - July14
Laverne - St. Athanasius, Doctor of Church May2 praying for courage to defend faith and husband - St. Isadore Doctor of CHurch April4th and CHarles - St. Francis of Assisi Oct4 gift of faith
Tricia H - St. Ignatius of Loyola, praying for a spirit of total surrender. July31st
Hello Allison, thanks for offering this wonderful service to us again - God bless you!
Please choose a Saint companion for me for 2013.
love and blessings..Trish
Please pick a saint for us again this year! We appreciate it! May God bless you!
Hi. Thanks for this wonderful ministry accompanied by prayer :) I'd love it if you could pick a saint for me and also for my dear son. Thank you!!
For Trish - Catherine of Genow, Sep15 pray for souls in purgatory
Debbie - St. Gabriel Archangel Sep29 praying Divine Love conquers the world and Maggie - St. Longinus praying for spiritually blind and Ellie - Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerick Feb9 praying for those in our world today that share the passion and Ben - St. Cyril Doctor of the Church Mar18 praying for those distracted and bewitched by false teachings and Paul - St. Timothy Jan26 praying all to proclaim the Gospel with zeal
CatholicBunny - St. Gemma Galgani Apr11 and son - St. Dismas, the good thief and to pray for conversions
God bless!
I am going to repost this in the right spot this time. Please pick a saint for each of my family members....kris (me), mike, Elle , Brooke. Thanks and many blessings
Kris - St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church Dec7 - pray that all honor the magisterium of the Catholic Church and through Mary's intercession babies are welcomed into families andMIKE- The Prophet Isaiah get to know the book of Isaiah in the bible, especially 6:8 and ELLE - St. John of the Cross Dec14 pray for those who suffer that they unite with Christ and find His comfort and joy. BROOKE - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Edith Stein Aug9 Pray for philophers and theologians
God bless!
Wow! Child Jesus!
Thank you, Allison!
Happy New year! I left a comment, at least I thought I did but likely it was lost in cyberspace with our slow home connection. Ugh... Allison, would you please pick a saint for me, and one for our school? Sorry I'm late now here. Thank you! xox
My dearest, Renee,my hand was led to St. Thomas More,Jun22 - for courageous faith and praying our lawmakers make it their aim to bring about a culture of Life.
For the homeschool - The Prophet Isaiah (IS 6:8 ) with the charge to "get to know the book of Isaiah." Wow, if there was ever a homework assignment...!
Much love to you, my friend. God bless your 2013.
Hi! Would you please pick a Saint for me?
Thank you so much.
Hi Allison,
I've been meaning to write to ask if you would mind picking a saint for our family this New Year. With ten weeks left awaiting our newest baby boy, I could use some saintly intervention. Thank you so very much,dearest friend!
Hi, All!
Jasmin - St. AMbrose Doctor of the Church Dec7 praying that all honor the magisterium and though Mary's intercession babies are welcomed into families
And for the beloved ROCKS - we picked 2 for you...because a little friend wanted to help. Her hand was led to - The Holy Souls in purgatory, Nov2 and to pray for the souls and allow them to pray for a deeper communion between the saints in heaven, the souls in purgatory and on earth. My hand was led to St. Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church Apr29 and to pray for holy women.
Let the saints inspire you, God bless!
We are joining the church on February 2nd, after years of prayer and consideration! We would love for you to pick a saint for our family. =o)
Dear Kelli, welcome!
So happy for you! In prayer my hand was led to St. Dismas, called the good thief. On the cross next to Christ to whom He said, "This day you will be with me in Paradise," with the prayer requests to pray for conversions!!!
I would love a saint to study!
what a great Blog
Thank you
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