Catholic Pinterest

4:58 PM
I joined Pinterest early on and luv it. I am delighted to see all the news reports about it's record breaking growth, now considered a Top 10 Social Site! It passed 10 million users after 9 months, making it the the fastest growing standalone site ever, according to Business Insider.

Today I created a group board called CATHOLIC PINTERESTA "narthex" for Catholics to gather and share Pinspirations. Pins on all things CATHOLIC, a Catholic Pinterest community. 

One of the reasons I did so was because I had recently been bumped from another group board. I presume it is because I pinned something Pro Life. On this new board, Pro Life pins are welcome! 

Are you on Pinterest? Would you like to connect there, do you need an invite, or would you like to be a contributor to this board? Let me know in comments or at my email address found at the top right of the blog sidebar.

And if you are new to Pinterest and want to know more about it, below are a bunch of links.


Laura said...

I am on Pinterest but have no idea how to see the group you made. I would love to!

Allison said...

Laura and anyone else interested, my email is CatholicHomeEd at yahoodotcom.

Send me your Pinterest name if you want to be a contributor to the group.

Send me your email if you want to be invited to Pinterest.

Or search CATHOLIC PINTEREST under boards and you should find it.


Unknown said...

Allison, this is a great idea and thanks for inviting me to join in!

justamouse said...

Found you and followed! I'm so thrilled you made that! I had pinned picts form the March for Life, and I know they'd be welcome on your board.

Gardenia said...

Oh thank goodness for creating a Catholic pinterest Board, Allison. I've been on P and love it, can't really figure out how to navigate it completely. I did get an invite, then lost my password, and think I'm waiting for them to send me a new password. I'm going to see if I can get on your site. Thanks!!

Tiffany said...

Allison~Thank you for this tutorial...It was helpful. I have been scared to death to enter the Pinning world. I think just worried it will suck me in! haha Would you mind e-mailing me an invite? Maybe I can just poke around...I love the Catholic board idea!

Anonymous said...

I have a pinterest account, but I can't find your board. I tried Catholic Pinterest, but your board doesn't come up. Any ideas. My boards are under Christa Toepfer. Thank you and God bless.
Faith, hope, and love,

Allison said...

I found you Christa and added you to the group. WIth pinterest, I notice that sometimes I have to keep rehitting the search button and I get new results....weird!

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

Your blog is BEAUTIFUL!

Allison said...

Thanks, Donna Marie and so are your books!

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