"Who made the English language?!"
A cute line perhaps most amusing to a homeschooling mother using Mother of Divine Grace kindergarten curriculum for poetry recitation.
5 year old daughter: "Why are AEIOU and sometimes Y vowels?"
Mom: "That is just an English language rule."
Daughter: " Well, who made the English language?"
Mommy: (sputtering sounds)
Daughter: "I know! Robert Louis Stevenson, he writes everything!"
5 year old daughter: "Why are AEIOU and sometimes Y vowels?"
Mom: "That is just an English language rule."
Daughter: " Well, who made the English language?"
Mommy: (sputtering sounds)
Daughter: "I know! Robert Louis Stevenson, he writes everything!"

Just precious! Made me laugh.
excellent answer!
She has a point! :)
So C-U-T-E!!!!!!
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