A good man is a prayer

"You must pray the prayer of action, which is the fragrant flower of the soul.

A good man is a prayer."

St. Catherine of Sienna

On this feast day of St. Joseph , the man picked by God to protect Our Lord and Our Lady, the patron of fathers...I pray for my husband, a good man whose life is a prayer in action. I believe my husband loves Jesus and Mary as much as St. Joseph did. His example inspires....

"Man's tragedy lies in the fact that he does not trust the Lord and rejects His will. Namely, man avoids God's will in order to fulfill his own will. By so doing, he sentences himself to torment, which our good Father did not intend for him."
(The Gift of Faith, pg. 105)

For more on St. Joseph and to enjoy a great blog....have you seen Catholic Mothers Online ? They are looking for guest writers.


Sarah said...

What a good man your husband is! I can tell by this and the other posts you have written about him. You honor him well! Happy Feast of St. Joseph!

Charlotte said...

Amen! I so appreciate the godliness and faithfulness of my husband, who is a way better example of Christian love than I am!

Anonymous said...

allison, i enjoyed your writing at catholic mothers online. great job! and God bless your dear husband.

Ruth said...

What a wonderful post. You are truly blessed! I hope you had a great feast of St. Joseph.

Renee said...

Finally over here, long weekend. whew... I found your tribute to your husband very heartwarming, your love for him evident and no doubt you are the best wife for him ever. Happy day to you all. Off to read you writings! Thank you for sharing them. I'll read whatever you post anywhere. But, Adam's song below here, you liked it that much? LOL LOL LOL roaring here.... so funny. :-)

Allison said...

Thanks ladies. If I didn't have such a spiritual leader for a husband and dear friends like you I'd be very lost. We need to pray to St. Joseph to touch the hearts of all the men and boys in our lives as our faith depends on it.

Renee - Yes, I am a bit over the top on Adam's voice, but I like it's unique sound. He stands our visually too but he could tone that down and focus on the music and that would be fine by me too.

So, whose your AI favorites?

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