Your 2013 Saint Companion & Giveaway!
It's that time again... I will prayerfully ask God to guide my hand in choosing your Saint Companion to guide your 2013....AND you can also enter to win the Catholic Child's Teaching Bible and supplies.
FOR OUR 9th is time to pick a new saint to guide each of us this year, as we have done in years before. Did you get a saint last year? Blog about it...encourage this tradition.
It is said that the Saint picks YOU.
It is said that the Saint picks YOU.
In our family, we post our Saints of the Year on our refrigerator so that we are constantly reminded of them... of our journey with them... to be inspired by what their life can teach us in our faith journey. It becomes a great learning and spiritual study to google our saint and learn and read as much as we can about them.
With solemnity, we each fervently pray as our hand reaches into the basket. We ask that the saint God intends to "teach and journey " with us this year will choose us.
And they have been so meaningful to us. Sometimes a certain saint likes to stay and share themselves with other members of our Padre Pio, St. Therese's family and Mother Cabrini. We are growing in love for our saints. Some might say we are Saint Junkies!
And they have been so meaningful to us. Sometimes a certain saint likes to stay and share themselves with other members of our Padre Pio, St. Therese's family and Mother Cabrini. We are growing in love for our saints. Some might say we are Saint Junkies!
Would you like to have a companion saint this year? CAN I PICK A SAINT FOR YOU?
Leave me a comment and I will leave you one back with a Saint Companion for 2013. Then, google all you can about them. Get a medal and post their prayer card on your mirror...learn from them and their struggles. Make it a New Year's resolution to let them transform you in some way!
All you holy men and women, ora pro nobis.
(This project becomes larger each year, thank you, Lord! Please be patient with me as I gladly respond to requests as promptly as I can.)
+ S P E C I A L A D D E D F E A T U R E T H I S Y E A R +
You came to this blog post in a quest for spiritual companionship, finding a saint to help guide your year of faith. I believe this giveaway dovetails nicely because with this resource your family can also meet that calling to grow in virtue and closeness to God's Word...the way the Saints did. This book will encourage you and your family to open your bibles more! There, in His Word, you will meet Him, like our role models the saints, who now pray before the face of God in heaven.
To enter the GIVEAWAY...follow the instructions at this link, a Rafflecopter giveaway .
Could you pick a 2009 Patron Saint for me and another for my family?
Many thanks,
Dear Sheila -
For you, in prayer, my hand was led to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini aka Mother Cabrini.
Feast - December 22
Quote - We can do nothing of ourselves, for we are poor and miserable, but if we have faith and trust in Him who comforts us, then we can do all things.
Prayer focus - Pray for an increase in women religious.
And, for your family - Saint Maria Faustina of the Divine Mercy image and Chaplet!
Feast - October 5th
Quote - I know God is in my heart. With Him I go to work, with Him I go to recreation, with Him I suffer, with Him I rejoice; I live in Him and He in me. I am never alone because He is my constant companion. He is present to me at every moment. Our intimacy is very close, through a union of blood and flesh.
Prayer focus - Pray for deeper intimacy with God.
Thank you for your kind words and God bless your 2009!
We would love to have a Patron Saint for our family.
Thank you for doing this. It's wonderful!
The Remaleys would love you to pick one for them.
Dear Munchesmom -
feast- October 16
Quote - Make your home in the adorable Heart of Jesus Christ, take your little worries and disappointments, and all will find peace there. You will find the remedy for your ills, the strength for your weaknesses and shelter in all your needs.
Prayer Focus - Pray for those crushed by trials.
God bless your 2009!
Dearest Remaley family, in prayer our hand was led to The Holy Innocents!
Feast dec.28
Quote - Theirs was a wordless profession of faith in Jesus. They died because they bore the likeness of the Christ Child, and are crowned with life eternal!
Prayer focus - Pray for an end to abortion!
God bless your 2009, dear friends!
Would you choose a Patron Saint for the Comstock family?
Thank you,
Dear Comstock family -
In prayer, my hand was led to ST. DOMINIC of the rosary.
Feast - August 8th
Quote - "My God, what will become of sinners? My God, have mercy on sinners!"
Prayer focus - Pray and intercede for hardened hearts.
God bless your 2009!
This is a wonderful idea and I am very happy the Holy Spirit inspired you to offer to "pick" one for us! With that in mind, can we request a Saint for our family (George/Zalot) this year when you have a chance...Theresa
How generous of you! I would like you to choose a Saint for me. I have prayed for the kids and chosen one for them along with a virtue, but I wonder if this may be more meaningful for them.
Thank you!
Hey Allison!
Could you please pick a patron St. for our family and my blog as well? This is such a neat idea!
God bless,
Could you pick a saint for the Schiltz family please? What a beautiful idea!! God Bless!!
Dear Allison,
I saw your offer on the Heart of Seton and would love for you to pick a saint for me. I do have a blog, and while I may talk about my saint on my blog, it's really for me personally. Thank you so much. God bless.
Oh, how wonderful-- just like all of your posts have been of late. I've been really enjoying them. Would you please pick a saint, 1. for my family and 2. for me?
Blessings to you and your lovely family.
Thank you for posting this link! I think my family and I will do this today before we go "back to work" tomorrow. :o) Your blog is lovely, btw... I found your link through your post to the CHC yahoo group!
Woul dyou pick a saint for my family and our blog?
Many thanks,
Hi CHeryl - Are you familiar with Padre Pio? The saint my hand was led to is supposed to be like a sister to him, MARTHE ROBIN. See more at this link,
The feast day of this stigmatist who lived on only Eucharist is Feb. 6th and your prayer focus is to pray for the coming of the New Pentecost of Love!
For your blog - St. Louis de Montfort! April 28th Have you made the consecration? This may be your year to do so, or promote it on your blog. Your prayer focus is to pray for Our Lady's intentions.
God bless!
I would love a patron saint for myself, and another for my husband (I will be praying on his behalf). BTW, you may not recognize me - I'm fairly new to the Catholic Homeschooling group on Yahoo!, and followed your link. Thank you so much! I found a link to a blog that did this a couple of years ago, and was trying to find a similar site that was for this year, but couldn't find one.
Dear Schlitz family -
In prayer, my hand was led to St. Gianna Beretta Molla! I jus tlove her! Google her, if you don't know her story.
Her feast day is April 28th and yoru prayer focus is to pray for pregnant mothers to choose LIFE! What an important assignment God has entrusted to you!
Dear George/Zalot families -
In prayer, my hand was led to St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church - Dec. 7.
This Doctor was known for his defense of the church and his title, Patron of the Veneration of Mary!
Prayer focus - Pray that all obey the Magisterial teachings of the church and that, Mary intercedes for large families and all that are open to LIFE!
Dear Snow Mama - Here's one to research. BLESSED LUIGI & MARIA QUATTROCCHI - April 28th
MAria was advised to abort her unborn child to save her own life. The couple graciously relied on their trust in divine providence and weere blessed with a healthy baby girl. They also raised their family to be just as virtuous; three of their four children joined religious orders.
Prayer focus - Pray for strong, virtuous, holy families!
Thank you so much for doing this! Our family would love a saint for the year!
God bless
The Perez Family
Dear SCMom/Barbara -
In prayer, my hand was led to ST. JOSEPH!
Prayer focus - Pray for the gift of blessed fatherhood for the world's families.
St. Joseph is an incredible saint!
Dear AMY - photographer extraordinaire!
In prayer for your family, my hand was led to child sait, St. Maria Goretti - July 6th.
Quote - Rejoice in the measure that you share Christ's sufferings. When His glory is revealed, you will rejoice exultantly. Happy are you when you are insulted for the sake of Christ, for then God's Spirit in it's glory has come to rest on you.
Prayer focus - Pray for purity of heart.
And for you, Amy - Blessed Charles de Foucault of France with the prayer focus of praying for peace in the Holy Land.
Google your saints to learn more about them for an inspiring 2009!
Dear Jennifer of St. Anthony's Acres blog -
In prayer, my hand was led to Saint Gertrude - Nov 16.
Jesus said to St. Gertrude of the Holy Souls prayer, "I want my intimate friends to follow in my footsteps by displaying a deeper affection for their enemies that for their benefactors, beacuse they will thus reap an incomparably greater reward."
Prayer focus - Pray for enemies.
God bless your 2009!
Dear Donna of We DOnt Pay 2 Park -
In prayer for your family, my hand was led to St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church (Dec.7)
This Doctor was known for his defense of the church and his title, Patron of the Veneration of Mary!
Prayer focus - Pray that all obey the Magisterial teachings of the church and that, Mary intercedes for large families and all those that are open to LIFE!
For your blog - St. Simon of Cyrene with the prayer focus that many will be drawn to help others carry their beautiful!
God bless you!
Dear Ethel - so nice to "meet" you.
In prayer for you, my hand was led to St. Louis de Montfort! (April 28)
What a powerhous eof a saint. His writings shaped JPII the great and others! Have you made the consecration? Perhaps God is nudging you to do so. Google this saint to be inspired this year.
Quote - The more the Holy Spirit finds Mary in a soul, the more active and powerful He becomes to bring forth Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ.
Totus Tuus, it is the motto of this blog!
Your prayer focus - Pray for Our Lady's intentions.
For your husband - may St. Joseph intercede for him! THE role model God chose for all men! Prayer focus - Pray for teh gift of blessed fatherhood for the world's families.
Something tells me something very special just happened here!
Dear Perez family -
In prayer, my hand was led to the sweetest name - NEWBORN BABY JESUS! That's not a saint, that's Our Lord! The prayer focus was to Let the Baby Jesus be your guide. Perhaps that's what God wanted you to hear.
Just in case you want a saint, I am reaching in again....
OK, please also take as a companion - St. Juan Diego! (july 31)Of the Our Lady of Guadalupe image, one of my favorites!!
Prayer focus - pray for unity among the nations!
Your blog is so beautiful! The Lord has a special mission for you and it seems that you are being obedient. Would you kindly ask the Lord for a saint for my family the "Daw" family??
Thank you so much and may God bless you abundantly this year!
Thank you! Please pick a saint for me - I don't have a blog.
Dear MArgie,
In prayer, my hand was led to ST. LEO the Great, Doctor of the Church!
Feast - Nov. 10
Quote - Saint Leo the Great's greatness is evident from his roles as peacemaker admist terror, unifier amidst controversy, and pastoral concern amidst war, dieases, and famine. Leo believed and trsuted in God through the intercession of St. Peter, the Rock of the Church, and Jesus Christ. In addition to writing, leading, and exemplifying a unified doctrine for the church, Leo acted in the role of peacemaker which was rare in his day. He met, nearly single-handedly, Attila the Hun, "The Terror of the World" and showed him God's own enormous and terrible power.
Prayer focus - Pray to have Christ's peace guide you in all tribulations and to comfort and protect those in war-torn countries.
God bless you 2009!
Dear Luann -
In prayer, my hand was led to St. John of the Cross (dec.14)
Quote - Would that men might come at last to see that it is quite impossible to reach the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God except by first entering the thicket of much suffering, in such a way that the soul finds there its consolation and desire.
Prayer focus - Pray for those who suffer, that they unite with Jesus and find joy!
God bless!
I would like to have you pick a saint for me. Thank you for this! God bless. I don't have a blog.
Dear Debbie -
In prayer, my hand was led to St. Clare of Assisi (Aug 11)
Quote - Look daily tinot that spotless mirror, dear queen and spouse of Christ and see your face in it. See how you are to adorn ourself, within and without, in all the blossons of virtue, as befits a chaste daughter and spouse of that greatest of kings. In that mirror poverty, humility and love beyone all telling shine radiantly.
Prayer focus - pray for all consecrated virgins to grow ardently in love for Jesus.
Thank you, Allison. He is an incredible saint!
please pick for us, one for our whole family, one for me and for my blog..
god bless!
Dear Cecilia -
For your family - St. Athanasius, Doctor of the Church! (May 2)Champion of Orthodoxy with the prayer assignment to pray for all to defend the faith with courage and perseverence and not to lose heart amidst setbacks.
For you - (Aug 10) St. Lawrence who when asked to hand over the treasures of his church gathered all the lepers, cripples, orphans, widows and poor and presented them as the TRUE treasures of the Church. Your prayer focus - Carry the poor in your heart and encourage them.
For your blog - St. Augustine, DOctor of the Church (Aug 28) who said, "Lord, give me what you ask of me and ask me what you will."
Pray for conversions!
How amazing that you got 3 Doctors of the Church! Triple Threat!
Please give me a patron saint for both of my blogs: Cause of Our Joy and Causa Nostrae Laetitiae.
Thank you
Hi Leticia!
For Cause of Our Joy blog - St. Stephen, first martyr (Dec 26)
Prayer focus - To pray for the gift of profound holiness
For Causa Nostrae Laetitiae - Our Lady of Mount Carmel! (july 16)
Quote - Those who wish to live truly devoted to Our Lady of Mount Carmel must follow Mary into the depths of the interior life...Mary's soul is a real'garden' of virtues, an oasis of silence and peace, where justice and equity reign; an oasis of security completely enveloped in the shadow of God, and filled with God. Every interior soul even if living amid turmoil of the world, must strive to reach this peace, this interior silence, which alone makes continual contact with God possible!
Prayer focus - Pray for peace and interior silence in the hearts of Bishops and Priests!
Amen! May your blogs be blessed with the intercession and guidance of these Saints. Thank you for visiting.
We would love a Saint for the New Year.
We need financial assistance
Baby assistance~it's in God's hands.
We have 2 daughters
Taryn -9 almost 10
Sierra 3
God Bless you and your wonderful family and your willingness to share our true FAITH!!!!
Dan & Theresa Krier
Hi! What a beautiful blog! Could you pick a patron saint for me personally, and another for my family? What a wonderful idea! Thank you!
WOuld you pick a saint for our family ? ...also a special one for my 2nd daughter and my husband they are each going through some troubling times . Thank you ...
Dear Krier family -
In prayer, my hand was led to St. Bonaventure, Doctor or the Church! July 15th
Quote - St. Bonaventure tells us to look carefully at the crucified Christ. Gradually this practice will enable us to become more compassionate and understanding toward others. People will begin to see God in you, even if you don't. Then, you will shine like a seraph, the highest rank of angels.
Prayer focus - Pray to humble yourself, reflect upon the crucified Lord often and share unselfishly, acting with goodness toward others.
Google your saint to find more inspiration for 2009! God bless!
Hi MArcie!
In prayer, my hand was led to ST. Jerome (Sept 30)
Quote - Read the Divine Scriptures constantly; never indeed, let the sacred volume be out of your hand. Learn what you have to teach. Hold fast the faithful word you have been taught so that you may be able by sound doctrine to give instruction and confute those who contradict it.
Prayer focus - Pray for a deep love of God's Word and pray for bible scholars.
Did you know that for every half hour of bible reading you *could* recieve an indulgence?
I'm Carmalitemom's sister. And trust me we are nothing alike so good luck finding a Saint who picks me.
Thanks and looking forward to my 2009 journey with my inspired Saint.
Oh and MArcie, for your family -
St. Benedict Joseph Labre (April 16) with the prayer focus to pray for the homeless.
What an incredible gift! Would you please pick a saint for me and one for my whole family? We have some hard times ahead. Thank you so much.
Dear Leslie -
For your family - St. Thoams Aquinas, Doctor of the Church! (Jan 28)
Quote - Eternal life consists in the complete satisfaction of desire, for there the blessed will be given more than they wanted or hoped for. The reason is that in this life no one can fulfill his longing, nor can any creature satisfy man's desire. Only God satisfies, he infinitely exceeds all other pleasures. That is why the Lord says: Enter into the joy of your Lord.
Pray for the conversions of lukewarm souls.
For your 2nd daughter - St. John of the Cross (Dec 14)
Would that men might come at last to see that it is quite impossible to reach the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God except by first entering the thicket of much suffering, in such a way that the soul finds there its consolation and desire.
Pray for those who suffer, that they unite with Jesus and find joy!
For your husband - St. Vincent de Paul (Sept 27)
Quote - You have as much need to be compassionate as the poor person has need of your compassion. PRAY for compassion!
God Bless you 2009!
Dear MEgan, thank for the chuckle!
There is a saint who wants you.
St. Bonaventure, Doctor or the Church! July 15th
Quote - St. Bonaventure tells us to look carefully at the crucified Christ. Gradually this practice will enable us to become more compassionate and understanding toward others. People will begin to see God in you, even if you don't. Then, you will shine like a seraph, the highest rank of angels.
Prayer focus - Pray to humble yourself, reflect upon the crucified Lord often and share unselfishly, acting with goodness toward others.
Google your saint to find more inspiration for 2009! God bless!
I would like a saint for our family...if you haven't run out. :)
Thank you.
Dear Toni -
For you - St. John teh Baptist (June 24 & Aug 29)
Quote - He must increase and I must decrease.
Prayer focus - Pray for the prophets of our day.
For your family -
St. Timothy, Disciple of St. Paul (jan 26)
Pray that Christians proclaim the Gospel with great zeal!
Prayers for you and your family!
Hi Debbie!
Blessed Jacinta of Fatima! (july 26)
Quote - Tell everyone that God gives us grace through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is the one we should ask.
Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart!
The Fatima miracle of the sun was witnessed by 70,000 and filmed. It was reported in newspapers. Our Lady spoke to us and there is MUCH to learn. Perhaps God is leading you to study Fatima and participate in the promises of the rosary and First Saturdays!?
i feel bad asking, because you seem very busy, but i'd love for you to pick a patron st. for our family. i feel kind of selfish, but the Sorrowful Mother is MINE, but we need a family saint.
thanks and no need to rush.....
I would love you to choose one for my family and one for me. God bless you and thank you for this blessing!
Hi Sarah!
For your family - the first one I ever chose and the patron of my blog this year, St. PETER JULIAN EYMARD (aug.3)
Quote - To abide in His love is to make the Eucharist the center of our desires. To abide in His love is to delight in surprising Him with some gift, or some little sacrifice. To abide in His love is to live by the Eucharist; to guide the good service of the Eucharist to everything else.
Pray that souls make Jesus in the Eucharist their first joy in life.
This is the saint of Eucharistic Adoration, time spent in silence adoring Our Lord. Remember at the Garden of Gethsemane when our Lord asked the disciples to watch? "Could you not watch one hour with me?" He said. Perhaps your family is being called to a Holy Hour?
And for you, dear - Blessed Pope John XXIII praying that the *true* spirit of Vatican II would bear fruit in the Church.
Lots to read on this topic, what was intended, what was never intended....
Dear Regan - O really thought I had picked one for you, but I don't see it showing up!
God must want me to chose again. ;)
Mother Teresa of Calcutta!
Quote - The more we are united with God, the more eager we will be to lov and serve the poor with our whole heart.
Pray to serve the poor with joy.
God bless you!
Hi. My friend told me about your blog and that you can pick a saint to act as my inspiration this year. Would you please pick a saint for me? I could really use some inspiration!
Thank you.
I almost burst into tears that John xxiii was what was chosen for me. He was my father in laws favourite pope and the church my inlaws helped build is named John xxiii . . . many good things surround this. I'm speechless, actually.
Welcome Jen! Please thank your friend for directing y ou to my blog.
Inspiration you shall have a no less than a Doctor of the Church has chosn to be your companion!
St. Cyril (march 18 feast)
St. Cyril of Jerusalem is an outstanding model for new candidates and converts to teh Catholic faith and also for traditional Catholics who love their faith as he is known for his defense of the faith and against heresies. Google him!
Prayer focus - Pray for all those who are distracted and bewitched by false teachings.
I think this saint will inspire! Have a great year!
Could you pick a saint for me, please? This is so generous of you -- thank you so much!
God bless,
Wendy in VA
Hi Wendy!
Inspiring Mother Theresa of Calcutta has chosen you!
Quote - The more we ar united with God, the more eager we will be to love and serve the poor with our whole heart.
Pray to serve with joy!
She has so many inspiring quotes, what a companion!
Hi. I'm trying not to be greedy here...but can I ask for 3 saints, one for my family/homeschool, one for my husband's conversion, and one for our me? Thank you!
Hi Allison. I would most appreciate seeing which saint picks me for 2009. I do not have my own personal blog but am the daughter-in-law of Barbara (scmom). Thank you. Susie.
I would so love to know which Saint I should (can/must/will!) lean on this year! Thank you and God Bless!
I just saw your post here and would like to ask if you could choose a saint for me and my family. I do have a blog as well. Thank you for doing this.
Could you pick a saint for our family and our blog? Thank you and God Bless.
Dear Mari -
For your family/homeschool - The HOly guardian Angels (oct 2)
Help someone to meet and get to know their guardian angel.
For your husband - St. Matthew, apostle (sept 21)
Jesus said, the healthy do not need a doctor, sick people do. I have not come to invite the self-righteous to a change of hear, but sinners.
Pray for those who do not know the love of Jesus!
For you, Mari - Blessed Jacinta of Fatima! (july 26)
Tell everyone that God gives grace through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
Have you read about Fatima? This may be a nudge to pray the rosary and attend first Saturdays.
God bless you all!
Hello, I would like to request a Saint for my family.
Could you please pick a saint for me and one for my family as well?
Thanks and God Bless,
Zina in NH
Hi! I would love to have you pray for some to pick us! I have received a saint for the year from another site for myself but would love to have some for other members of our family. I have 4 daughters Gabriella, Samantha, Katrina, and Cassandra and 1 son Michael. I also would ask for a saint for my dh Michael and if there is one that could encompass the whole family that would be great. I homeschool and would love the girls to 'get to know' a saint more intimately as they go through their year. As a family we are trying to be more faithful. I love that you include their feastdays and a quote and what we should pray for. Please do pray for some saints to take to us. Thanks so much!
Hi Darcy -
For child #1 - St. Helen, empress, Mother who found the true cross (Aug 18)
O innocent Jesus, your Cross is my Cross.
Pray for children who are mistreated.
Child #2 - St. Teresa of Avila (Oct 15) Since the spiritual world is based entirely on humility, the closer one gets to God the more this virtue should grow.
Pray for consecrated souls, they are the soul of the Church.
Child #3 - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
The more we are united with God, the more eager we will be to love and serve the poor withour whole heart.
Pray to serve with joy
Child #4 - St. Rose of Lima (Aug 23)
We can not win grace if we do not suffer affliction.
Pray that souls find the true beauty of the Cross
Child #5 - St. Joseph, model for authentic masculinity
Pray for the gift of blessed fatherhood for the world's families
Your husband - St. Francis of Assisi (oct 4)
Cast Your light into the darkness of my heart. Grant me right faith, firm hope, perfect charity and profound humility;with wisdom and perception, O Lord, that I may do what is truly Your holy will.
Pray for the gift of faith.
God bless your family!
Dear Susie - St. Bernadette of Lourdes (April 16)
Have you seen her incorrupt, still beautiful image? She is so because God wishes us to take notice of this life, this marian apparition! Google her!
"My weapons are prayer and sacrifice, to my dying breath. At death the weapon of sacrifice will fall away, but that of prayer will follow me to heaven.
Offer sacrifices to Mary for her intentions.
And go rent the movies! ;)
Thank you, Allison! Mother Teresa must have known I would need her this year... :o)
Dear Elizabeth -
Our Lady Queen of Peace - Pray for Mary to move souls to conversion, prayer, fasting, confession, and Mass.
I see you're busy praying and picking saints, but if you could pick another for me and my blog, I would appreciate it.
My family chooses new patrons every year at the beginning of Advent, but I'll be interested to see who you come up with. It may be that I need to switch!
Hi Dawn!
St. ANgela Merici, mystic, religious founder (Jan 27)
"Mothers of children, even if they have a thousand, carry each and every one fixed in their hearts, and because of the strength of thier love, they do not forget any of them. In fact, it seems that the more children they have the more their love and care for each one is increased."
Pray for mothers.
And - wow, similar theme!
St. Gianna Beretta Molla (april 28)
Love is the most beautiful sentiment the Lord has put into the soul of men and women.
Pray for pregnant mothers to choose life.
Important companions, God bless!
for Tina, Children of the Rosary blog - Blessed Pope John XXIII in prayer that the true spirit of Vatican II bear fruit in the church.
Sounds like some reading ahead of you on what was in the documents and what was never intended or written...
For your blog - St. Lawrence, Doctor of the Church (Aug 10) known for his complete and thorough refutaion of teh doctrines of Martin Luther, he had an ardent devotion to the Immaculate Mother of God and wrote on all aspects of theology that concern her.
Pray the protestants return to the One, True Church through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Very powerful! Nice to "meet" you Tina!
Hi Juli! Thank you for your patience. I am quite concerned that I am going to miss someone, I need the follow up and appreciate it.
For you - St. Anthony of Padua (June 13)
We spread the love of God by loving as he loves.
Pray for non-believers.
Perhaps you'd like to use the "LOST FAITH" prayer I have at the bottom of my blog?
For your lovely blog - Blessed Louis & Zelie Martin, parents of St. Therese of the little flower - praying that Holiness may be born in families!
For your husband - pray to St. MArtin de Porres (Nov 3)
He excused the faults of other and pardoned even the most bitter injuries done to him, said by BL JOhn XXIII
Pray for greater humility, charity and generosity in God's service.
May God bless your year!
Hi Zina in NH -
St. Bonaventure, Doctor or the Church! July 15th
Quote - St. Bonaventure tells us to look carefully at the crucified Christ. Gradually this practice will enable us to become more compassionate and understanding toward others. People will begin to see God in you, even if you don't. Then, you will shine like a seraph, the highest rank of angels.
Prayer focus - Pray to humble yourself, reflect upon the crucified Lord often and share unselfishly, acting with goodness toward others.
Google the saint to find more inspiration for 2009! God bless!
For your family - St. Lawrence, another Doctor of the Church! (Aug 10)
Carry the poor in your heart and encourage them.
Thank you for your generosity and hard work!
Please would you pick a Saint for me and my family.
Thanks and God bless
I thought I posted a comment this morning, but I do not see it. I enjoy your blog and would enjoy having a saint focus for my family this year.
Wow - the holy spirit gave you a great idea. Could you please pick out a saint for our family for 2009.
God Bless
The Steele's
Hi Sara from A Shower of Roses -
For you - St. Benedict (july 11)
See how the Lord in His love show us the way of life. Clothed then with faith and the performance of good works, let us set out on this way, with the Gospel for our guide, that we may deserve to see him who has called us to His Kingdom - from the rule of St. Benedict
Pray for the coming of the Kingdon of God
..and get a St. Benedict medal for it's promises.
For your blog - St. PAtrick of Ireland (march 17)
Pray for the laity to respond to the call to spread the faith today!
God bless you!
Could you stand to just pick one more? Barbara just linked to you and the thought of a saint for the year for me sounds lovely.
My blog is over at
I've done saints for the year before, but somehow it totally slipped my mind this year---I hope it's not to late to jump in.
Hi Stephanie -
For you - St. MAria Goretti (july 6)
Do you know her story? Google her and learn of her immense forgiveness.
Pray for purity of heart
For your family - ST. ANDREW (Nov 30)
Quote - St. Andrew was the first convert among the apostles; he was especially in the Lord's confidence; thrice is he described as introducing others to Him; lastly he is little known in history, while the place of dignity the name of highest renown have been alloted to his brother Simon, whom he was the means of bringing to the knowledge of his Savior. - J. H, Newnman
Prayer focus - Pray in thanksgiving for the quiet and humble of the world who do the work of the Lord without recognition.
Amen! Have a great year learning about this apostle.
Dear Lorna, NotaCookie -
I did not see your post either, thanks for reposting. I hope we're not reaching some limit on comments.
For your saint - ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS
feast - december 14
quote - Would that men might come at last to see that it is quite impossible to reach the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God except by first entering the thicket of much suffering, in such a way that the soul finds there is consolation and desire.
prayer focus - Pray for those who suffer, that they unite with Jesus and find joy.
A worthwhile assignment - we've forgotten the whole "offer it up" part of Catholicism! :)
Dear Steele family -
St. Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church and patron of scientists
Google him
Pray for heavenly wisdom that comes from reason and faith joined together in charity towards others in prayer AND action.
God bless your family!
Hi Denise of OrdinaryGrace -
Your saint is St. Gertrude (Nov 16)
Jesus said to St. Gertrude who prayed for Holy Souls, "I want my intimate friends to follow in my footsteps by displaying a deper affection for their enemies than for their benefactors, because they will thus rap an incomparably greater reward."
Pray for enemies
Thanks for visiting, Denise!
This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I would love to have a patron saint for our family.
Having a saint to turn to and give thanks would be most appreciated.
Thank You and God Bless!!
Melissa from Almost Catholic Momma
If it's not too much to ask could I have a patron saint for my blog?
I didn't realize you were offering that also.
Thank you!!!
Melissa Almost Catholic Momma
Hi Allison,
What a wonderful idea, and generous offer. We would be grateful to have you pick a saint for our family this year. We need some inspiration, especially for the intention of homeschooling, and would love to see the Holy Spirit's hand in our journey for 2009.
God bless you for your beautiful blog and continued inspiration!
The Rocks
Hi Melissa from Almost Catholic!
For you - St. John the Baptist (june 24 & Augsut 29)
He must increase and I must decrease
Pray for the prophets of our day
For your blog - St. Maximillian Kolbe (Aug 14)
One of my previous saints, the Saint of Auschwitz and a writer! Google his amaxzing story or watch it on YouTube, there are many books and prayer booklet on his quotes. he too, like Montfort has a consecration to Mary!
Pray that Mary Immaculate may reign in our hearts
I would wish for these saints, you are very blessed!
I have been following you these past few months. I truly enjoy your sharing of your time to post the articles you have posted. I know the time commitment is a big one with your responsibilities as wife, mother and teacher:)
The last ones on the veil and the Traditional Latin Mass really spoke to me. As both the wearing of the veil and attending the TLM have been pulling on my hearts strings for a while. I have been waiting it seems to know that it is from God and not just me. My little girls are all ready to go:)
Thank you for sharing the beauty of God's gifts granted to you and your family.
If I could ask for you to choose a saint for our family this 2009 I would be most grateful. We are a homeschooling family of 4 girls ages 8, 6, 4, 21 months and a new baby on the way.
Thank you for your time and looking foward to reading more of your future articles.
Peace of Christ,
The Braaten Family
Beloved Rock family, such a pleasure to pray for God's hand to guide me for my dearest friends!
My first "pull" was Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerick celebrated Feb 9
the mystic/author/stigmatic of the books that inspired Mel Gibson's Passion. I've read that she subsisted on just the Eucharist. I have some of her books if you'd like to borrow them.
"I have always considered service to neighbors as the highest virtue."
Pray for thos who share the Passion of Christ in our time.
I'll chose another should you want a canonized saint or perhaps one for your school.
St. JoseMaria Escriva (June 26)
His way of sanctification was like St. Therese's, in daily work.
Pray that we turn all the circumstances in life into occasions of Loving God and of serving the Church, the Pope and all souls with joy and simplicity!
Our religion course has #2 son and I reading the Navarre bible which has extensive quotes and notes from Saints, mostly explodes your mind with enlightened revelations on what you've just read. This son was hoping for this saint, we have grown to admire him.
We love you!
dear allison, i think your "e" fell off because this has been a most Excellent Endeavor=)
i have a story to share about mother teresa and i'll do so later. just more proof how mighty and wonderful our GOD glad to see HIM working thru you just by meeting you.....and now this precious blessing you have helped send our way!
I would feel greatly honored if you would pick a saint for me. I do not have a blog, but maybe one day. I have enjoyed visiting and becoming inspired with your blog.
Hi Braaten family and thank you for your kind words. Thank you also for being open to life and God Bless your life within you!
For your family saint, my hand was led to - St. Jane/Jeanne of Chantal (Dec 12)
"May this Sweet Savior live and reign in our hearts for ever amid the desolation and darkness. He is our light, he leads us; let us fear nothing, he will never let us down."
Pray for mothers.
I hope you google her to find out more and be inspired by your 2009 saint.
Dear Tracy Tims - Thank you for your kind words.
Your saint for 2009 is Mary, Queen of Peace (June 25)
Bring to Mary every single conflict you come across.
The Queen of Saints for you!
I would just love it if you would please pick a saint for me and one for my family. I do not have a blog, but have so enjoyed reading yours!! God Bless!
Hi! I would love it if you would pick a patron saint for me and one for my blog. Just FYI - I am Anglican not Catholic, but I have some strong Catholic leanings. :) Thanks!
Yes! Could you please pick a Saint for me, my blog, a prayer focus, ect? Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
Hello Kristen and thank you!
The Queen of all saints for you, St. Mary, Mother of God.
"Do everything He tell you."
Pray for those rebelling against the Church.
Enjoy your year with "Our Mother"
Dear Kerry - Thrilled that you found me!
For you - St. Joan of Arc (May 30) Pray for France and the conversion of freemasons.
For your blog - Saint Dominic Savio, boy saint (March 9)
Pray for the young.
God bless!
Certainly Marie Therese -
St. Juan Diego of the Our Lady of Guadalupe miraculuous image. (July 31)
Pray for unity among the nations
For your blog - St. Genevieve, google her
I am nothing in this world but a pilgrim passing.
Pray for virginity of young people.
Best to you!
I love your blog! Would you please pick a saint for me and one for my family.
Christy of Gems from heaven, I love your blog too!
For you - so fitting, Pray for children.
"I am thinking of God who is so sad because of so many sins! It hurst me so much that He's sad. I offer Him all the sacrifices I can. If only I could console Him."
For your family - St. Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church (Nov 10)
Peacemaker, believed so much he difused Attila the Hun, one on one - google him
Pray to have Christ's peace guide you in all tribulations.
God bless your beautiful family!
Christy of Gems from heaven, I love your blog too!
For you - so fitting, Pray for children.
"I am thinking of God who is so sad because of so many sins! It hurst me so much that He's sad. I offer Him all the sacrifices I can. If only I could console Him."
For your family - St. Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church (Nov 10)
Peacemaker, believed so much he difused Attila the Hun, one on one - google him
Pray to have Christ's peace guide you in all tribulations.
God bless your beautiful family!
Hi there,
My wife received a wonderful saint that was literally exactly who she needed in her life. I was wondering if you'd pick for me too? My name is Andre. Thank you.
Welcome Andre!
I am so happy to hear about your wife! I pray that God will lead me to you.
Saint Dominic of the rosary (Aug 8)
My God what will become of sinners? My God, have mercy on sinners!"
Intercede for hardened hearts.
I pray that your find your companion an inspiring one.
Hi Allison,
I really enjoy reading your blog. You certainly have a gift, my friend! God is so good!
Would you please pick a saint for the Mesco family?
Thank you and God bless you.
Would you please pick a saint for me and one for my family? Thank you and God bless you.
Dear Mesco family!
St. Timothy, Disciple of Paul (Jan 26)
Pray that Christians proclaim the Gospel with great zeal.
May it be a blessed year for your friend!
Hi Michelle - I am a visitor to your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.
For you - St. Leopold Mandic (Oct 16) Capuchin Priest in Yugoslavia - google him
Pray for souls to make a Holy Confession
For your family - ST. Michael the Archangel (Sept 29)
Pray that those who are under the influence of Satan may be saved
God bless!
I would like a patron saint for 2009 as well, if possible. I came over to your blog from Barbara's Praying For Grace. Thanks so much!
Hi Kristin and welcome!
St. Abraham, Father Abraham of the Old Testament
"Look now toward heaven and count thte stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendents be."
Pray for the conversion of Israel.
Happy New Year!
Hi Kristin and welcome!
St. Abraham, Father Abraham of the Old Testament
"Look now toward heaven and count thte stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendents be."
Pray for the conversion of Israel.
Happy New Year!
Hi again,
I would really love for you to find a saint for me as well. I know I have one from another site but if another choses me then so much more blessed I will be. If it is the same I know I will find out more. Is there one that can ecompass our family as a whole? I love that you do this and have passed your blog on for others to enjoy as well. God Bless You!
Thank you for helping me find my saint. I'm wondering, since it is the Saints that choose us as well, if this will be the year I conceive.... :-)
Hello,I don't have a blog of my own, but read my daughter-in-law Barbara's daily(scmom). When I read about a saint picking me for 2009 I really got excited.I can't wait to see which saint I can have a closer walk with for my 72nd year of life. Thank you and God bless you, Allison. Susie
I would be honored to have you pick a saint for our family. We are going through an interesting time right now and I will be curious who the Spirit recommends for us.
God Bless!
Hi Darcy - sorry for the delay.
We can learn from multiple saints, you can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to saints! :)
For you - St. Andrew (Nov 30)
The first convert among the apostles.
Pray in thanksgiving for the quiet and humble of the world who do the work of the Lord without recognition.
For your family - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque of the Sacred Heart devotion and First Friday promises.
Pray to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear Susie, I apologize for the delay.
On this, your 72 year, St. Abraham of the Old testament chooses you!
Look now toward heaven and count the stars if you are able to number them. And He said to him, So shall your descendants be."
Pray for the conversion of Israel to the Messiah that indeed fulfilled all the prophecies.
Dear LAura of Homeschooling with Joy blog -
St. Joseph! God's choice for our role model of authentic masculinity.
Pray for the gift of blessed fatherhood for the world's families.
God bless your 2009!
I know you are busy, but could you please pick a saint for me?
I should have left the original comment on this post instead of another, sorry!!
Thank you so much and bless you for doing all this. Prayers back to you!!
I am a fairly new blogger, and just discovered your blog and your willingness to pick a companion saint for those who leave a comment. I was wondering if it was too late? If you get this comment, would you be willing to pick one for me? Thank you! Grace and peace to you.
Hello my friend,
Can you select a saint for my family and one for my blog? Thanks so much!
Anne Marie
Thank you for picking St. Dismas and Fr. Alexander Men for my companion saints. I do not know much about Fr. Men, but I look forward to learning more. I already printed some pages out to read! I am curious to discover how the Lord will use these great saints in my prayer life this year. God bless you!
Hi again! I have been doing a bit of research on Fr. Alexander Men, and I have to admit I am a bit confused ;-) He was a Russian Orthodox priest, correct? What was his relationship with the Roman Catholic Church? I haven't been able to figure out his standing with the Church. I am a little ignorant when it comes to these things, I admit. I know you're busy, but when you have a moment, could you please point me in the right direction? Even a sentence or two, or a place of reference would be helpful. No rush; just whenever you have a free second. Thanks, and God bless!
Hi Sarah D -
I too am having a hard time finding out much about him and why he would be connected to the catholic church or among the slips to pick from....but I did not want to second guess God.
I think it should be fine to choose another saint, right. One to hold each of your hands? :)
St. Veronica (Feb 4th) who wiped the face of Jesus on the way to the cross. "it is your Face, Lord, that I seek!
Comfort Jesus through adoration.
Do you have a holy hour Sarah? Google Eucharistic Adoration. Our Lord has just extended an invitation to you, like his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane where He said, "Could you not watch one hour with me?"
I hear you a picking Saints for people - to watch and guide them for the year.
Please send one, and their prayers, my way!
Anna D
Hello Anna D - thank you for visiting my blog!
In prayer, my hand was led to one of my faovrite saints.
St. Louis de Monfort of True Devotion and Consecration to Mary. AD JESUM PER MARIAM, to Jesus through Mary the spirituality of Pope JPII and where the title for my blog comes from, TOTUS TUUS.
Feast April 28
"The more the Holy Spirit finds Mary in a soul, the more active and powerful He becomes to bring forth Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ."
Pray for Our Lady's intentions and consider reading books on and by this saint. Perhaps you are being called to Consecrating?
God bless you Anna!
Thank you so much!
I have a small love for St. Louis de Monfort but want to turn it into a BIG love. I made my Consecration to Mary on December 8th 2006, and look forward to "renewing" it every year.
I will continue to deepen this devotion, and thank you for your prayers.
Anna D
hello ~ wishing you a wonderful St. Valentine's Day ~
I was wondering if you could please pick a saint for me ~
ever grateful, erika
I tried leaving a comment the other day and don't know if it got through. So, I try again.
I would love for you to pick our Saints for the year! Would it be possible for us each to have one? Myself, DH, Son-15, daughter-13, daughter-9, son-8. Or if that is too uch, myself and one for the family? I do not have a blog, but I love yours! you have been inspirational. We are new to Tradition ...3 years now, and we love it! God bless you and your family.
Karla in MN wonderful this is! could you please choose a Saint for my family.
thank you,
aimee schmelzer
Schmelzer family -
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor of the CHurch against heresies
Feast March 18
Pray for those who are distracted and bewitched by false teachings.
Can you please pick a saint for our family? I am a homeschooling mother of 2 boys, 6 and 3. My husband is a Catholic convert. He is a professional horse trainer and I help run the business side. We travel throughout the country attending horse shows and currently live in a small southern town and find it very hard to fit in.
Hi, I would love for you to pick a saint for my family and I. I am a homeschooling mother to 6 wonderful children ages 4 to 18! I lost my mother recently and ask for your prayers as well - she was not Catholic. I am a convert to the faith of 15 years. Thank you so much. Bonnie
Hi Allison, Could you please choose a saint for me for 2012? This is such a wonderful idea. God Bless You.
can you please pick saints for the following 4 family members: kristina (me), mike, elle, brooke.
thank you and many blessings!
Dear Allison,
Would you please chose a saint for our family? We are 8, with 3 college students. thank you for your lovely service of prayer.
The Craze Family would love for you to pick a Saint for us this year. Thank you.
Hi Allison
Are you selecting Saints this year?
If yes looking for one for me ...
One for my family
One for my friend L.
Dear Stephanie, et al...
This year I am recommending This quick saint name generator as it is much faster and more efficient than my hand-picking. ;)
I pray God bless your 2014 and know that your saint will be meaningful to you. God bless!
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