Priestly Example of Quiet Prayers After Mass

An example of quiet prayers of thanksgiving after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

A young priest prays after Latin Mass
These minutes following Holy Communion can and must be the most important in our lives, heavenly minutes, minutes in eternity. Jesus, true God and true Man, in the Eucharist: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, must be welcomed as our heavenly Guest with attention, reverence and love. By remaining with Jesus, especially during these "precious minutes," in true interior spirit, we become champions of the Eucharist, true sons and daughters of the Eucharist. Then these "precious minutes" will be the happiest and most beneficial minutes of our lives.  source 

O my God
As you have given yourself to me
Now let me give myself to Thee
I give you my body that it may be chaste and pure
I give you my soul that it may be free from sin
I give you my heart that it may always love you
I give you every breath that I shall breathe
And especially my last
I give you myself in life and in death
That I may be Thine forever and ever


And in witnessing such a moment, let us remember to pray for our dear priests!

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