Christians Are Born For Combat
Today is the feast of Pope St. Leo the Great who turned back Attila the Hun from the gates of Rome...yes...but I am thinking of another Leo.
Another LEO....another evil at the gate.....
“To recoil before an enemy, or to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against truth, is the part of a man either devoid of character or who entertains doubt as to the truth of what he professes to believe.” The only ones who win when Christians stay quiet, he says, are the enemies of truth. The silence of Catholics is particularly disturbing because frequently a few bold words would have vanquished the false ideas.“Christians are,” Leo continues, “born for combat.” It is part of their nature to follow Christ by espousing unpopular ideas and by defending the truth at great cost to themselves. One of their main duties is “professing openly and unflinchingly the Catholic doctrine”; a second is “propagating it to the utmost of their power.” As many today insist, they should preach the Catholic faith through personal example; at the same time, though, they should also preach the faith “by open and constant profession of the obligations it imposes.” A negative reaction from the public, far from being a sign of mistaken ideas, can serve as evidence of exactly the opposite fact. “Jesus Christ,” the pope points out, “has clearly intimated that the hatred and hostility of men, which he first and foremost experienced, would be shown in like degree toward the work founded by him.” Source
Pope Leo XIII, I will pray the prayer you wrote to St. Michael the defend us in battle... and pray as well for the words and the actions that would serve our faith in a world of hostility towards it.
Hundreds of amens. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing, Allison. Paraphrasing my pastor,"Psychological warfare is real. If an enemy can convince you that there is no battle to be fought, that there is no such thing as evil, then the enemy will win. We are the Church militant! We are Christian soldiers. Let us fight the good fight faithfully." God bless you!
I have been researching Pope Leo the 13th. From what i understand he has not been declared a saint. What day do you celebrate as his feast day? any info you may be willing to share would be most appreciated!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart!
Hi Brenda, you are right. Leo the 13th has not been canonized. The post begins in recognition of Leo the Great, whose feast day is November 10th. Then, it moves to a quote from ANOTHER LEO....
I too wondered after reading your thoughtful question. I found this in a google search,
God bless and thanks for reading and commenting.
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