Catholic Photo Challenge #2: Isaiah 9:1
I found a new blog via twitter and he's another Catholic blogger who, like me, likes Catholic imagery in photography. Steve Nelson blogs at and has a Catholic Photo Challenge.
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great
light;Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone.” (Isaiah 9:1) That is the theme of Challenge #2 and one I have found myself drawn to in my photography. The dichotomy of dark and light has enticed me to take note of its drama.
Well, I had to join up! This is the stuff that speaks to me....words need pictures... my post on looking through the lens with love.
[Excerpt from link above] Some express love in words, written and spoken. Sometimes I do that. In my love for my Lord and the Catholic faith, more often I feel my words don't completely illuminate my endearment and wonder. Nor do my words represent the full beauty I see and feel for the faith. Our Lord and the Catholic faith are the greatest beauty in life...the greatest Good, the greatest Beauty, the greatest Truth.
What could be more worthy of my love?!
What gets me a little bit closer in my expression...what is my trying to capture the Good, the True and the Beautiful of our faith in images. This passion and commitment I believe comes from God. I am certainly not the most talented photographer, but what talent I have, I have from Him.
It is my love, EXPRESSED. It how I love and how I capture love.
Does a picture say more than a 1,000 words? For me, the words and pictures belong together to complete the task. My leanings are that words NEED pictures.
And so I ask permission and I look....through a lens...with love.
The words of Scripture repeat the reminder that our faith and Jesus = the Light of the world. And even the inanimate object of the camera lens uniquely appreciates the LIGHT and the DARK. It opens for them and in it's openness gives new life to the image.
Our feet can't help but follow the paths illumined by light. As newborns, it is the place where darkness meets light and black meets white to which our eyes are first drawn. Our senses were made to react to light and dark by Our Creator.

We marvel at the sunrises and the sunsets, when the two meet again.
I chose these photos as representative of times when the darkness was illuminated by light...because I seek that...that beauty...that understanding.
Thank you Steven, for hosting this #CatholicPhoto challenge. I look forward to more.
I always love your photos Allison.
This is beautiful! Thank you so much for participating in the Catholic Photo Challenge.
I'm glad we found each other. I look forward to spending more time on your site.
What loveliness you see in simple everyday things. Now I will look for them everyday. Thank-you
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