Homeschool Lego Club
We found a local, classical education homeschool group where a Mom was starting up a Lego club! My 11 year old and my 4 year old joined. So sweet that they have this special hobby to share.

The group meets once a month. This very organized lady held her first meeting today. She had the kids bring their own lego creation to show the others. I was, as always, impressed with the eloquence of homeschoolers. My 4 year old, who has never participated in a "class", charmed me so by following every direction, raising her hand, excitedly participating in the speaking in front of the group as the oganizing mom even asked questions!
Then our hostess held a challenge for teams. (My 4 year old was not at all disturbed being on a different team than her brother!) Each team was to make a lego boat capable of floating and the boat to hold the most pennies before sinking would obviously have the best design.
Afterwards, our organizer served a homemade lego cake. Those are marshmellows on the top! How clever.
Finally, it was creative building time as buckets of legos were poured on the floor for young minds to play with as they wished.
Looking forward to next month!
First, Allison, let me tell you, your daughter is an absolute doll! I just want to eat her up every time you post her picture or a video clip!
As a rural family, we have a lot that city folks don't, but on the other hand, I so wish there were some opportunities to get together with other Catholic homeschooling families. I am a bit envious!
Your little girl loves legos...that is so sweet! She is a honey. Enjoy her and snuggle that 4yr old. I do not understand how mine little girl is almost 8 already.
We have a great passion for legos here also.
very cool club
Hi Nadja and Christine,
Hope you are having nice weekends.
Nadja, there are many times we envy your rural life with lots of land adn privacy. Thanks for the sweet comments about my little girl. She is very precious to me. Christine, I am already seeing the years fly by too quickly...where are my little ones??
It looks like the first club meeting went well. We were already somewhat booked on Friday, so the boys had to miss the first one. They can hardly wait for next month.
We have our fair share of legos in the house, but that's one 'toy' that they always wish for more. Same goes for Playmobil stuff.
How very GREAT is this Lego club! What a terrific idea this is, cake, fun challenges, show and tell et al. Your daughter is so sweet! Loved this post and the accompanying video. :-)
Wow! What a wonderful, active homeschooling community you have! (and such creative, innovative kids, as well!) :-)
Lego club....hmmmm, you got me thinking!! (we had a lego party in March for my son and made those same cakes, it was so much fun! check out my private blog for pictures) How fun though, I might have to come up with something like this....My son would love it. I actually think the girls would too.
Hello! I came across your blog as I was searching for ideas for my son. He had the idea to start a Lego Club! I was wondering what other challenges you have come up with? What other Lego themes? Thanks so much for your input!!
Hi Angelina!
I have only made it to lego club 2 or 3 times. The lady who runs it gets her ideas from the web and lego books.
Her themes have been transportation, shelter and whatever. He challenges have been building something that will hold the most pennies before sinking and creating a bridge to span a certain piece of paper adn wide to fit a matchbox car. She breaks the kids into teams too and sets them up a their own tables. She has this in a library with a meeting room with lots of tables and she has tons of lego that she shares with us. After display time and challenge time she has a "free build" time and sometimes she bring s in building sets other than lego, too. She emails all the moms what snack or beverage to bring. It's womderfully organized, thanks to this dynamic, generous mom.
I hope you can find more resources online.
I love lego... our home is a lego haven. Every thrift store and garage sale for miles has been picked over my me. I love the lego themed birthday ideas... I think I'll borrow that.
There's so much more that we can learn from lego.. kind of thinking maybe I need to take a little lego time myself... check out my ode to lego post.
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