Emmanuel - God with us
For blogs that "express their love for their faith so visibly and joyfully....Through their faith, lives and spirituality, they bring God to us, they in essence make God visible, 'God with us.'This Award goes to all the faith filled blogs who make evident 'Emmanuel'- God with us, with Joy in their hearts.Please share this Award with Christian blogs that focus on the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior.Peace, JOY & Merry ChristmasMarie & Ginny" Marie and Ginny's blog, A View from the Pew, is a delight!
With thanks to my new friend, WhiteStone Name Seeker, from the UK. The blogshpere has brought so many from so far away together in our shared faith.
In turn, I'd like to nominate a young man discerning a priestly vocation. He has a faith-filled blog called Per Te, Sancta Maria. (Isn't that beautiful? A better name may not exist!)
And there's this prayerful and crafty Catholic at Cottage Blessings - see her wayside shrines.
I love the feeling I get every time I visit Pondered In My Heart.
The images at Hallowed Ground always make me feel the nearness of Emmanuel.
And finally, and only because I've named 5, another source of holy images and words to inspire can be found at Holy Card for Your Inspiration.
O come, O come Emmanuel....
Thankyou for your kind words:)
Peace & JOY to you:)
Thank you so much for your kindness. God Bless you and your family!
Thank you for mentioning my holy card blog. It is my pleasure to share my collection with whomever finds a spiritual inspiration from looking at what I like to call "God's Family Album."
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