Virginia Seuffert on Discipline - IHM National Conference
Discipline: The First Essential of Homeschooling Experienced homeschooling parents know the path to successful homeschooling is paved with virtues like obedience, order, patience, and industriousness. Calm, confident parents who inculcate these values will be rewarded with children who are a pleasure to teach.Live notetaking for the conference talks...
Kids are so separated from parents now. TV depicts parents as stupid.
Our children play with children who are influenced by the world and are peer dependent. Tremendous focus on everyone getting a trophy for the need for self-esteem.
So we have TEACUP kids....anything breaks them. Kids used to be tough, knowing life was unfair.
Part of our homeschool vocation is raising children who respect authority and get over themselves. You have to teach them to honor thy father and
* Be calm, confidant and clear
* Get Ginnie's book, It Doesn't Have to Be This Way
Don't beg your kids to be good. Give an immediate consequence. Say it once. Train your child.
Food - we cater to our kids like a short-order cook. This is about discipline, too. Children from other countries eat what their parents eat. Have one menu only...this is what we're having tonight. Put out the healthy food when they are starving. Keep to a regular schedule, no food trolling between meals. Schedule 3 meals and 2 snacks and other times close the kitchen. Moderation is good for our children. Being a little bit uncomfortable is not the worst thing.
Bedtime - What happened?! Children, before puberty, need 10-12 hours of sleep. Put them to bed, they wake...put them back! Train them to make family life more pleasant.
Greetings - Greet people courteously by name. Please, thank you, excuse me and no interruptions.
Expose them to beautiful, uplifting art...not much of that on TV. Get them into fresh air and sunshine. Make them do real work in your house, no whining allowed.
When we have a president that tells Ireland that Catholic schools are divisive, that tells German homeschoolers seeking asylum that homeschooling is not a have a society that is coming after us and you have to raise your children to fight the devil!!!
Want to hear more? BUY Ginnie's book, it's only $5.00!
Also, Order this talk and any or all of the conference talks at
Also, Order this talk and any or all of the conference talks at

is it only $5 at IHM? It's more on seton's site.
Yes, $5 was what she mentioned at the conference....
She's such a dynamic speaker, keep you really engaged and through the laughs you are inspired to be better. I am sure her book would do the same.
It's available for Kindle for $3.95. Link:
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