Time Management Talk at CHAPLET Conference

The C.H.A.P.L.E.T. Catholic homeschool conference at Mater Ecclesiae parish in NJ was once again the site of an excellent day of support. Many friends were there to peruse curriculum and listen to the speakers, for re-invigoration in our commitment to this vocation. After shopping the tables and getting advice from vendors and speakers, the day ended with a vigil Latin Mass followed by us all meeting for a spirited dinner before heading home. Doesn't get much better than that!

Friend, speaker/author and homeschooling mother of ten, Michele Quigley gave a talk on "Time Management for Christian Mothers."  Below are my notes taken, as she spoke.

* We must actively nourish ourselves through the seasons of life. In busier times, we'll need more prayer time.

* Instead of thinking about prayer time as a "have to," think of it rather as a "get to." I get to spend time with God!

* If prayer is a struggle ask God to to give you a desire for it. Then, think creatively. Maybe that child that needs to you lay beside them in order for them to nap...maybe that is God's way of bringing you to 15 minutes of prayer time.

* Know who you are by spending time with the One Who created you.

* You can't grow in holiness without time with God, like you can't grow in love without time with your spouse.

* You can't give what you don't have. The Saints knew this and even Our Lord went off to pray.

* Give those busy days to God as a prayer. God won't make it so that you can't find Him.

* If you have time for Facebook and email, you have time to pray.  Pray first.

* Keep a prayer journal. God will direct you to realizations in journaling and the act of writing is good for the brain. (Not to mention the body, Michele said she lost 20 lbs. she attributes to journaling.)

* Quoting Chesterton,  "Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly." Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Imperfectly done is still done. Grace builds on nature.

* Make a list  AND make sure you look at it. You must refer to it. Schedule time to check your to-do list and don't check email and Facebook all day, but at disciplined times.

* Productivity is not a virtue. It is not the works we do but how we do them. Productivity is at the service of love. Stress reveals character.

* Life is not orderly and perfect. If it's too easy how can you grow in holiness?

* Recommended book, Getting Things Done

* Our Obstacles - perfectionism, all-or-nothing mentality, procrastination, distractions, underestimating time it takes to do something

* Only compare yourself to the saints...with the intent to learn from them.

* START by listing the 4 most important things to do today that you can accomplish

MUCH here to put into practice, to recommit to and it helps when the advice comes from someone who really has a calm confidence and noticeable faith. Thanks, Michele!  **UPDATE** Michele in her own words...

The CHAPLET site, linked above, will post a video of this talk. Do you have any tips, books, resources, apps to share? I look forward to hearing about them. Please comment.


NuthinLikeGatorMama said...

You have NO IDEA how much I needed this today, but CLEARLY the Holy Spirit knew!!
Thank you!!!
I hope He finds a way for me to get to IHM again soon.

Elizabeth said...

Sadly, though I was at the conference, I missed the time management talk : (
We needed to come later in order to drop my boys off with a friend ...then I worked the reg table...hmmm, maybe I should have gone to that one ; )

Jamie Jo said...

I'm taking notes on your notes. Sounds like a wonderful talk, something we, mothers could use! Thanks for sharing!

Laura Olson said...

Thank you for this post! I'm a new mom of a 9 month old and I want to start my motherhood off right by keeping God first and focusing on ways to keep calm and disciplined in my day! God bless you!

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