Conclave Auspiciously Begins on Feast of Pope St. Gregory (EF)


Chris said...

Thanks for another inspiring piece of info! What on Earth would I do without your wisdom.....

God bless, friend


Allison said...

Chris, you are always so supportive, thanks! The "wisdom" here is our Church, so rich in saints.

But, something else to know one of the reasons I love the internet and blogging? It satisfies my inner pirate!

I can sail around and look for treasure that then enjoy the booty I find. The search is rewarded with a find, a tidbit, an answer, a tip.

And in the case of blogging, I can layout my treasure in a way that shares it with my family, friends and readers.

Thank you for being one of them and God bless your weekend, friend!

Valerie said...

Oh Allison, I just read the exchange between you and Chris...such a wonderful example of a catechist you are!!!

And today's very fitting for exactly what I shared on my own blog today!!! It's been an emotional couple of days around her Little Ways, but sharing Truth is so cathartic and necessary!!!

Pope St. Gregory is exactly the type of Pope we need in office to help catechize and prevent situations such as my own.

God bless,

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