We're so LOST and thankful for Dharma Initiative rations
Some dear friends, who know how much we love LOST, spent countless hours creating something that absolutely delighted us.
LUV LOST? Here are some fun websites. http://www.losthatch.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_(TV_series) There are forums too, and blogs....
This really floored me, they labeled every stinkin' banana!
Look at all my Dharma Initiative rations!
In the far right hand of the photo can you even see my notebook, to record observed behavior?
Googling "LOST" today we noted a few things.
1. There are some great sites for LOST party ideas
2. YouTube has a ton of Season 6 Teaser/Spoiler video clips of DESTINY FOUND and more that you could kinda ruin a schoolday by watching so many.
3. There might be something to the name, Richard Alpert or Ricardus Albertus...like there are connections to the name John Locke and Rousseau...there is meaning behind many things and many characters will return...notably, one of the French guys initially with Rousseau. Tomorrow, we'll be talking about another theory...not a day goes by.....
4. "If anything goes wrong, DESMOND HUME will be my constant."
I didn't know when the next season started ... thanks! We've been die-hard fans from the beginning, too. Can't wait for the season opener. Thanks again for all the info.
Did they include the cute baby?
I borrowed season one and two from friends, to catch up when I started watching the third season . . . Chief and the youngest went to Scouts Wed. nights so I could watch . . . then things went south and no longer could catch all the shows so now I'm literally lost. I should get all the seasons available on DVD and just be Lost until I get all caught up and the last season is on DVD. It will make me crazy! I keep wondering if I'll bump into cast members on O'ahu. If I do, you'll all benefit for SURE. I promise!!
We found that we could watch many episodes right from the computer at Hulu and ABC.com.
Even better is if you buy an S cable from your computer to your TV screen and some $20 speakers to pump up your laptop volume and you're set to watch MANY things thru your computer on TV.
At the shore this year we had many a YouTube night singing Karaoke this way or watching fun clips and skits.
Also, my swwet friend advised me of some better LOST logo links...
This is where we got the labels.
This is where we got the logos.
I love LOST! Can't wait for it to start again. Although the show drives me crazy analyzing things in my head for days!
Hey! How come no one has noticed that they also "dropped" us Claire's baby...Aaron?!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only LOST junkie. Will you tell more about the S cable? I bought one, had to have special ends, but we cannot get anything on our TV screen!
I was wondering who that baby was! Ha!!
What a fun gift! Too, too fun!!
We cannot wait for season 6! It's our fav show. Is it the last season, do you know?
I am no idea what this is all about.
Sorry....I am LOST!!!
hee hee
This is soooo hilarious!! What a fun party idea though!!
I love Lost, but got lost in the last season, only caught a few of them and I thought last year was the last Lost season, but I think this year is? I'm going to have to get last season through Netflix to catch up!
Paula - I found out about it through a google search. You should see where the circle spot to receive the cable is on your TV, so happy mine was in the front. We got the cable at Radio Shack but originally bought a cheaper one at Best Buy. I'd go with a higher quality one. Also ask the "geeks" at the store for help although the websites do walk you through it. Once I am connected and my TV is on one of the video input channels I just touch the FN button at the bottom left of my laptop and simultaneously press the F4 key as well and the screen comes up!
Good luck!
Thanks. We have a cable and my husband is a tekkie so no problems there!
I was wondering, what company did you use to publish your blog into books? I was thinking about doing that with my blog (for a shelf keepsake)? And, do they also print out the comments on sidebars? Thanks!
my word verif: rapsingr (how hilarious is that?)
My oldest son is so jealous...counting down the days!!
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