Crazy 8's

16 years ago

Jessica over at Shower of Roses tagged me for this meme. I haven't been very good at accepting and posting my memes and I apologize to all my blog friends who have been so kind to think of me.

8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Attending the Chaplet homeschool conference on Saturday!!! There will be great speakers, Mass in the Extraordinary form in the Latin Mass parish of Mater Ecclesiae and all the time I'll have to chat with my friends in the car rides and when we go out to dinner after the conference.
2. The Hope of heaven and seeing those I miss.
3. Weekends and my husband making breakfast, praying the family rosary on the way to Latin Mass on Sundays and talking with all our friends after Mass.
4. An evening bonfire on my deck with my family.
5. My youngest son's first Holy Communion.
6. The Church reclaiming it's Catholic Identity.
7. End of our 3rd year homeschooling.
8. A time when Life is respected and protected from conception to natural death.

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Started up week 27 of homeschooling after a long Easter break
2. Enjoyed the rain. I like the mood it creates, the cozy grey and the sound of it on the roof.
3. Watched City of Embers with my kids after school
4. Made grilled chicken and fettucine with alfredo sauce and peas for dinner
5. Prayed
6. Remarked how I really like my kids.
7. Told my husband I was in love with him
8. Feel asleep with my 4 year old daughter, snuggling together as we watched TV

8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Convert hearts
2. Join my mother in visiting my sister in L.A.
3. Live more simply, declutter more and be more organized
4. Have my home decorated by a cool TV show (I know, how ridiculous are these two juxtapositioned next to each other?!)
5. Be better about food and exercise.
6. Be holier in prayer and reactions.
7. Live beachfront
8. Travel to exotic locales

8 Shows I Watch
2. The Office
3. American Idol
4. occasionally a rerun of Seinfeld
5. Netflix, Pius Media, & Faith and Family Flix with the kids
6. They watch SpongeBob and Tom & Jerry so I do too while brushing hair
7. NHL hockey and Golf to be near my husband
8. lots of YouTube, like Tim Hawkins

8 tags - my frequent commenters, you gals who bring smiles to me daily. THANK you and God bless you! (Jamie, Christine, Sarah JOT, Regan and Sarah you've all been tagged so ...)

1.Jenny of Just a Minute
2. Dawn at A Helping Hand
3. Ruth of Just Another Day in Paradise
4. Laura of Homeschooling with Joy
5. Renee of Go East, They Said
6. Cheryl of The Cherry Blossoms
7. ConservaMom
8. Melissa at Shabby Blue Bungalow


Christine said...

Convert stoled my idea!!! Oh really we just think the same. I liked that one. Also the beach front idea. That one would really grow on me.

Thanks for sharing! We all do love your blog!

Sarah - Kala said...

I like this a ton! When I'm officially tagged by someone (who tagged me?) . . . I will do it, but you know me, I may put a bit of cheek in it. :)

Jamie Jo said...

Wow, can I change mine now? I really like all of yours, you wrote so deep and so for forever. I love it! I wrote so superficial and in the now....hmmm I wonder why?

Great job!

Laura said...

Thanks for the tag. I'll give it a go, but I'm not sure I can think of 8 things for every category! Check with me tomorrow and see how I did.
God Bless.

Conservamom said...

Made me think a bit but I did it! Thanks for including me :O)

Jessica Gordon said...

What great answers!! I'm so glad you played along!

regan said...

i love all your 8's. you are such a sweetie! i wish you could come out to LA too. then you and i could go out for coffee.....

Allison said...

Coffee and hugs it is, Regan. I'll let you know when we next go! :)

Ruth said...

I just posted mine :-)

Anonymous said...

Really thoughtful answers. I enjoyed reading them. I share your affinity for Seinfeld and American Idol. We're so twisted aren't we? (chuckle)

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