Do you believe me now?

1:16 PM
It's a matter of record. It's been well known on the Internet, yet the media is only lately giving this any time.

Obama endorsed INFANTICIDE...look it up.


Kris said...

There's been some press coverage about this, though not much. It is shocking. God bless this nurse that is speaking out.

Today I listened to Kerry Kennedy talk about her book, "Being Catholic Now." I call it, "How to Change Your Religion to Make It Suit Your Needs."

I remind myself constantly that the powers of death shall not prevail against His church.

Michele said...

oh, iam not one bit surprised he endorses it!!! he also said if his daughter were to get pregnant, he wouldn't want her to be "punished" with a baby!!!!! he is sick!!!

Allison said...

Good to know you're out there ladies!

Allison said...

Good to know you're out there ladies!

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