What Would Mary Wear? Our Lady is always modest.

Many thanks to Jessica at Shower of Roses where I found this wonderful link to Mary Ellen's article on Modesty published in the Long Island Catholic.
At Fatima, Our Lady's promised sign was viewed, filmed and documented in newspapers. There were 70,000 present. She told the children that Our Lord was offended by new fashions.
When Our Lady appears she is always feminine, celebrating her modesty and covering what is sacred. Our God created us male and female. He designed our differences to be valued, not blurred.
For more, please visit CatholicModesty.com/ and let's take The Blessed Mother for our guide.
Let us also consider that how we dress can make it difficult for men not to sin, that we are called not to lead others into sin, that we are called to be charitable and so here is a beautiful prayer asking St. Maria Goretti, who chose death over impurity, for her intercession...
Dear Saint Maria Goretti! The world teaches that we must please others in order to be popular. Conscience demands that I please God more than one who asks an evil thing in the name of false love. Teach me by your example to instill into others a real respect for modesty and purity. Through your powerful intercession, help me to make all occasions useful for helping others to become spiritually stronger. Grant that others may see in me reason to change their ways, if that be necessary, and that I may have the courage to resist any temptation to sinful conduct. Let others be led closer to Jesus and Mary by my example.
Oh Little Saint who wanted to be popular only with your Divine Master and His Blessed Mother, help me to imitate you. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc. St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
Interesting! St Maria Goretti is my confirmation name! I really need to address this issue with myself.. I am not at all modest with my clothing...Leaves me somthing deep to think about...Thanks..
Take great interest in your blog! Questions (which I hope are not too intrusive): Have you always practiced modesty in your dress? And, does not 'modesty' at times 'blur' the distinction between male and female rather than valuing it? Thanks so much!
Hello again Anonymous and thank you for visiting.
It took the example of some wonderful friends and also many great blogs, like Castle Of The Immaculate, to educate me about feminine, modest dress. There's a lot of great reading on modest dress. A popular book is Dressing with Dignity.
As I linked to in my post, I enjoyed many years as a jeans and t-shirt gal and I didn't have a concept of femininity really. So this movement is new to me. Surpringly, I feel less comfortable in jeans now.
I do see your point that if one were to wear something un-feminine it too would blur the lines. But what are we talking about? sexy-ness? focusing on "showing off" curves? Granted, I don't have those kind of curves to show off, but I don't think it's supposed to be about me thinking about me.
Today's emphasis on tight fitting, exposing clothing is not in good taste in my opinion. I hear from many moms of young girls, and moms themselves, how hard it is to find clothes that are "modest" . It's not easy to find skirts, let alone longer ones, shirts that have sleeves, let alone without plunging necklines...
Dictionary definition - Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior. Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity. Freedom from vanity or conceit.
Well, I've written more than you probably wanted....but all my examples are of women in flattering yet modest dress. And you know what, even if they were in a dress that wasn't flattering but still modest I would assume that while wanting to be feminine, they were not overly concerned with "their looks". Another dictionary definition for modesty is HUMILITY.
God Bless you and He should for your patience to read this...if you are! :)
Thank you for taking the time to write a long response! Certainly did not require 'patience' to read. And, best wishes to you and yours on this sunny Mother's Day!
I'm actually seriously thinking about ditching jeans and making the switch because I can't find jeans in loose enough fit to not be as tight as my skin. I'd have to wear a 14 for the loose fit I want in my thighs. I keep thinking that skirts and dresses actually make it easier to be modest - and comfortable.
I'm on a diet at the moment, but I'm hoping to lose enough to get into the skirts I already own, then buy more and kick jeans. Please pray for me that I discern what is best in God's eyes.
Thank you so much for linking to my article! I think your post covers a great deal, in a beautiful way, that I did not in the article. I am so glad you made the connection to modesty and Our Lady of Fatima.
Thanks again.
PS - Your blog is lovely.
Hi! I love your blog! I found it after doing a search for "Catholic" "Modest" "Homeschool", hoping to find encouragement for my 12yo dd who is really struggling because she wants to be modest and most of her friends, ah, do not! Your blog has led me to lots of other great sites/blogs. Good work!
I would like to add you to my blog under "Friends", if that is okay with you?
Thanks again. . .you have been a wonderful encouragement!
Thanks so much Valarie! I visited your lovely blog as well and hope to again when I have more time.
Blessings to you and your daughter. :)
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