Nana's prayer book ~ Day 18 Something About Mary
Her prayer book is always tucked into my handbag. In it are a cache of prayers I never knew and am delighted to now pray. I especially like the prayers for before and after Holy Communion.
On this, the 18th day of Something About Mary, (more than half way until the contest ends on my blogiversary) I include for you the sweetest Marian prayer to say before receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Dearest Jesus, you know that I love You and that I am sorry for all the pain, sorrow and disappointment I have ever caused You, as well as for my want of love and thought of You since Your last visit to me yesterday. Take me into Your arms and and give me the Kiss of forgiveness.... Now I know that all is forgiven. Mary, dearest Mother, is it not wonderful that soon, very soon, your dear Son, Jesus is to enter into my soul! O Loving Mother, do make this soul of mine very beautiful by adorning it with your own adornments : love, humility, simplicity, hiddenness. detachment, selfless consideration and kindness for others, so that when Jesus comes to me a few minutes He will just delight to dwell in me.
May your Sunday be blest by His visit, and Our Lady's intercession.
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