Fr. Jerome Magat On Obedience, Meekness, Humility & Religion - Talk Notes
Fr. Jerome Magat gave the 1st talk we attended at IHM National Catholic Parenting & Homeschool Conference 2017 and here are a few bullet notes.
* Father spoke about the virtues of obedience, humility, religion, and meekness.
* To do the right thing, for the right reason, at the right time.
* How we evaluate ourselves should not just be by the 10 Commandments but by the Beatitudes. They guide from the personal, to the communal, to the societal.
* Father said that the 4 Virtues – Obedience – Meekness – Humility – Religion equal the Sacred Heart.
* There are168 hours in a week and Our Lord asks for just 1 hour of Sunday Mass every week. In math terms that’s .006 of the week. If you were to tip God on the bill of 168 hours in the week, a regular tip would be in the vicinity of 17-34 hours. So that one hour of Mass should be our pleasure to give Our Lord, in love.
* In Latin, the word Religion is a rebinding of man to God.
* Obedience is more demanding than compliance. Compliance is just obeying an order but obedience is a sharing in the heart and mind, a share in the heart and mind of Jesus. We want that commitment.
* Meekness is strength under control. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is not timidity but self-control. It is the power that restrains onslaught of anger to order of reason. Jesus heart is meek.
* Humility – recognition in the mind and acceptance of the heart, true humility will always point to God, like Mary.
To hear this talk in its entirety, on and after August 1st you can find audio of it HERE, along with other talks from this 2-day Catholic homeschooling/parenting conference.

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