The Solution for the Catholic Church from Anthony J. Mullen

If you knew the one and only solution to cure all the Catholic Church’s problems (and the problems are so severe as to be on the verge of catastrophic) and you could also cure the world’s problems in addition to the Church’s problems, would you not be guilty of the utmost crime if you chose to ignore the solution or not to share it with everyone?
Now, what if you knew the solution was foolproof……in that it could not fail? Yes, it could not fail, because it had a Divine certitude to it. It was God’s plan in His own words. Further, God had repeated the plan over and over for 95 years. Would you not be guilty of a catastrophic failure in obedience? Do you believe this would be an overstatement of the facts if the eternal life of hundreds of millions of souls was at stake based upon ignoring God’s plan? Is this not precisely where we are today for the Church’s lay and religious leaders?
Let’s look at the brutal facts:
• Less than 2% of Catholics frequent the Sacrament of Confession on a regular basis.
• About 20% of Catholics obey the third commandment and worship every Sabbath at the Eucharistic Sacrifice…“the source and summit” of the entire Catholic Faith.
• Only 14% of Catholics can name all 10 commandments; most can’t name 5 commandments!
• Less that 3% of Catholics pray the Rosary every day.
• Less than 1% of Catholics have made their Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart and wear the Brown Scapular every day, which are considered the objective marks of true devotion to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
Yet, God has consistently and urgently asked everyone to be devoted to His Mother’s Immaculate Heart. So, how is it that so few Catholics are devoted to Mary’s Immaculate Heart? Would objective people not be forced to agree there has been an egregious failure of lay and religious leadership?
God intervened in human affairs at Fatima, Portugal in an unprecedented way by allowing the sun to spin as if out of control and speed toward the earth in front of 70,000 people, which fact was recorded in the secular newspaper the next day. God’s message through His Mother was very, very specific: “God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart and promises salvation to those who embrace it.”
Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart has been the chief starting point for the devotion. Both Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict have urged all Catholics to make this Consecration.
The Bishops of Vatican II urged us: “Everyone should entrust their life to Mary’s Motherly Care.” St. Maximilian Kolbe has put it well: “Teach others this Consecration…if this is the quickest, surest way to become a saint, it’s also the quickest, surest way to conquer the whole world for Christ, if only we tell others about it.” And if you somehow mistakenly believe this detracts from God, listen to the greatest Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Margaret Mary: “The most effective way to obtain devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
Recently, the Church has approved the “Our Lady Flame of Love” message from God, where our Lord has told us just how critically important this step is to our Faith: “The Flame of Love from My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah’s Ark was to Noah’s generation” ( Think about the significance of that statement! The attacks on our Faith will grow so severe in the future that our Faith will be swept away without this extra grace!
As Catholic leaders, do we not have a real, solemn duty to help the Church spread this knowledge? Is there something more important you could do with your time and talent? Are not millions, if not billions, of souls at stake? As Leaders, let us act!
Tony's letter has me thinking...what would the Catholic Church, currently under attack, be like if every member was led to consecrating themselves to Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart?
And now...there's an app for that!
Allison, we have done St. Louis DeMontfort's Total Consecration to Mary for more years than I can remember. We always start it on Feb 20th and it is a wonderful Lenten practice. As the kids get older, it is so wonderful to add them into our devotion.
The first time we did this, we had a couple of other families making the consecration at the same time. Then on March 25th, Consecration day, we had a priest come to one of the family's house and say Mass for us. We then all made our Consecration together. It was a beautiful event.
Oh that all Catholics would do this! I agree, it would be beautiful!
God Bless.
I consecrate my family in the morning on the way to school the the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Total Consecration sounds heavenly.
Happy St. Valentine's Day, Alison!
i just posed a consecration invite to all bloggers.
Allison, Our Legion of Mary presidium is working to have every family represented by the groups in 3 counties make the consecration. I agree, it would change individuals, families and then the church..+
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