Was It Worth It?
Thanking The Catholic Lifeguard....
Understand the purpose of your life.
C.S. Lewis once said that “Christianity, if false, is of no importance; and if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.”
So, away with “moderate” love for the gospel;
away with “moderate” love for Jesus Christ.
Time is too limited, too valuable, too important. At the end of every day we need to ask ourselves this simple question: I have paid one day of my life to do what I did today. WAS IT WORTH IT?
At the end of Good Friday, Jesus Christ could say “yes.”
How will we answer today?
— Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
At the end of Good Friday, Jesus Christ could say “yes.”
How will we answer today?
— Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
Great post - a needed reminder today (maybe all days?).
Allison...I printing this one out and putting it on every child's dresser to use as a bookmark (my three olders). Thanks for posting.~Theresa
Excellent post, Allison. Thank you!
wow, thanks for this post, Allison. Like Carmelite Mom I'm printing this off -- and taping it to my mirror!
oh Allison, thanks for commenting on my new blog layout. Yes, I did it myself with blogger, the Simple template. easy peasy.
Thank You.
This is Precisely what I needed today...
To Follow Through...
Bless You and again, Thank You ♥
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