WELCOME TO THIS PHOTO - JOURNAL celebrating the traditional, Roman Catholic faith ... in words and images. I believe that Catholicism & The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are the GOOD, the TRUE and the BEAUTIFUL in this life. With my camera and my words, what better f o c u s could I share on this blog? The first post appeared in May of 2007, when I started homeschooling my 4. In 2011, this blog was the reason we traveled to Rome, to participate in the VATICAN BLOGGERS MEETING, where my goal to promote Catholic social media began. Today, 2 of my homeschoolers have graduated and study at/graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is so encouraging to have this online community, to know you are out there and to share what we learn with each other. May we do so, AMDG, for the glory of God and all for Jesus, Mary & Joseph. Totus Tuus! +JMJ+
OH, you kids are beautiful.
It's cold here today, (for summer) like only in the 60's--rain and 50's for tomorrow.
We had 100 degrees on Monday though.
I loved your summer quotes.
Beautiful KIDS! I have been blogging with you for 3 years..your kids are growing up so fast!
Smart to stay in the AC during baseball practice;)
It went from 60 to 90 in one day here, so we've been enjoying the AC ourselves!
Those are great photos of the kids. Your daughter is so photogenic!:)
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