Embracing Social Media to Spread the Faith

I wonder how many people see a blog sidebar or do they just read blogs off GoogleReader?
Visiting a blog, seeing it's colors and quirks...well, I guess I'm "visual," that appeals to me.
I've put up some additions on my sidebar. So please click to read this there. As there you'll see my sidebar additions, some needing your attention.
First, there's my Twitter updates. If you're on Twitter, I'd love to hear more about how you use it. Everyone at the Vatican Bloggers Meeting used it and that got me interested in it's applications. Now I'm learning #hashtags, like #vbm11, which signified the topic of Vatican Bloggers Meeting 2011. I'm reading new-to-me authors under #Catholic and #Cathblog and hoping to use #ihmVA11 to tweet from the IHM National homeschooling conference next weekend. Through TweetDeck I am finding more ways to engage Catholic Social Media...making my Catholic world smaller, connecting with others.
Next, My cool niece and oldest goddaughter introduced me to Tumblr and now I'm on there too. Mostly for the sumptuous picture and image sharing....Allison in TUMBLRland. There's a much younger vibe there, but it is encouraging to see the young Catholics sharing their faith.
Finally,keep scrolling and there are some Facebook connections I am hoping to make for the blog. Perhaps you could offer your LIKE and FOLLOW? (See sidebar...just a scroll to your right.)
It's the Vatican Bloggers Meeting that really inspired me. The Vatican is reaching out to use Social Media to engage people and create a cyber community. As I think about it, what other Church can do so like the Catholic Church? Only in the Catholic Church are the Magisterium and hierarchy in place to definitively teach and guide...evangelize! There is a Vicar of Christ on Earth and he's for Social Media! Getting the message out with these mediums may be God's Hands gathering His sheep, finding the lost ones using the methods and technology of the day.
Using it for good.
One can hope....
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I agree this is a great way to get the message out! I'm following you now on Twitter. You might also like Pinterest, seems similar to Tumblr.
And now I'm following you, friend!
I think someone else mentioned Pinterest this week. You have to be invited??
Going to google.
Thanks for your constant support, Jen.
Dear Allison,
i just read about your museing on social media & the Faith. Can i share this quick story? I contacted you around the New Year, when you were graciously helping families find patrons for the year. St. Anthanuasis was ours. Appropriate, as we were moving internationally & feeling very much like exiles. After arriving we found that our new home was a 5 min car trip or 10 min bike ride to the Latin Mass community here! After 3 years of being days from a Latin Mass then 3 years of being an hour from the TLM we are truly understanding how the saintly bishop, even though an exile, knew he was a member of Chris't body, the catholic Catholic Church. thank you so much for using social media & helping us find St. Anthanisus!
Pamela, you made my day! Thanks so much for writing.
A powerful saint chose to be your companion this year and I am glad to hear that you feel connected to him. We always found that we felt that way about our saints and that's the reason I do this ever New Year, as a thank you back to God and our saints.
I love imagining a family bike riding to Mass and would love to hear more about your adventures and the Latin Mass abroad. Do you blog?How about Facebook?
Keep in touch and thanks!
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