All You Holy Men & Women Pray For Us

The Saints inspire me and they are my friends in this faith. I want them near, to guide us. Everyone has parts of the faith that they lean on or connect with and for me that is the intercessory prayer of this Cloud of Witnesses.

How many saints prayed those prayers at Mass, just this way!

Let us all rejoice in the Lord as we celebrate the feast in honor of all the saints upon which the angels rejoice and praise the Son of God.
Ps. 32:1. Rejoice in the Lord, you just; praise befits the upright.
Almighty and eternal God, through Your grace we honor the merits of all Your saints in the one solemn feast of today. Grant us the abundant mercy we ask of You through this army of heavenly intercessors. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ . . .
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
May Your faithful always delight in paying reverence to all the saints, O Lord, and may the constant intercession of the saints be our protection. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and rules with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit . . .
While in the van I had told the children, after we had prayed the rosary, to think of all their Saints during the Mass, to pray for their intercession. So many saints attached to us, the ones our first and middles names honor, the ones they took for Confirmation and the ones that had "chosen" them for the year...and years past in our family New Year tradition.
Surely today must be a day of special graces when praying to the Saints? A day like no other to ask them to intercede for us before the Face of God....may they guide us and be near us....
Our Saints for 2010
My Husband – > St. JoseMaria Escriva, - (June 26)
“Grant that I too may learn to turn all the circumstances of my life into occasions of loving God and serving the Church, the Pope and all souls with joy and simplicity, lighting up the pathways of this earth with faith and love. PRAY THAT ALL WOULD FIND “THE WAY” TO LIVE FOR CHRIST EACH DAY.
Mine –> Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Scapular, - (July 16)
“Those who wish to live truly devoted to Our Lady of Mount Carmel must follow Mary into the depths of the interior life…Mary’s soul is a real ‘garden’ of virtues, an oasis of silence and peace, where justice and equity reign; an oasis of security completely enveloped in the shadow of God, and filled with God. Every interior soul, even if living amid the tumult of the world, must strive to reach this peace, this interior silence, which alone makes continual contact with God possible.” PRAY FOR PEACE AND INTERIOR SILENCE IN THE HEARTS OF BISHOPS AND PRIESTS.
Oldest Son –> St. Camille of Lellis - (July 14)
The Lord asks that we do nut bury the talent so invaluable that the Lord placed in our hands, so that we obtained holiness during the life and then eternal glory. PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE HEALTHCARE PROFESSION. (Some saints like to stay with us, this one I had the previous year. Padre Pio is a frequent companion as is Mother Cabrini)
2nd Son –> St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church (October 15th)
“Since the spiritual world is based entirely on humility, the closer one gets to God, the more this virtue should grow.” PRAY FOR CONSECRATED SOULS, THEY ARE THE SOUL OF THE CHURCH.
Youngest Son –> St. Elizabeth of the Trinity – (Nov. 9)
“If you feel ice fall on your heart, go warm up near He who is the Source of Love and Who makes emptiness only in order to fill up all that is empty.” PRAY FOR VOCATIONS TO THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE. (Not knowing much about this saint before his young hand was guided to her, we 've been confirmed once again in that the Saint picks you. Her story is one that has much meaning for our son.)
My Daughter's – > St. John of the Cross - (Dec. 14)
“Would that men might come at last to see that is quite impossible to reach the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God except by first entering the thicket of much suffering, in such a way that the soul finds there its consolation and desire.” PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER, THAT THEY MAY UNTIE WITH JESUS AND FIND JOY.
They've been trusted advocates for us this year, these friends in high places. If you'd like to particpate in the SAINT BASKET, make sure to stop by in the New Year. Your response is always delightful; each year it grows!! But no fear, it is my gift and sacrifice. As it always is when we extend ourselves for the Lord, He can not be outdone in generosity and I am so blessed by the may take all month or more, but I will get to your requests for companion Saints.
Forgive my Ignorance, but please, I Pray you take the time to Guide and Educate me on HOW a Saint picks you??
Thank you for posting this on your FB Page, otherwise, I may have never seen it...
God Love You ♥
Hello friend,
Hopefully my story will explain...
A few years back, our local Catholic store had a basket on the counter and they would ask you if you'd like to pick a Saint for the year. Inside the basket were slips of paper with the names of saints printed from a website. So we did...
The owner of the store, a friend, did tell us then that the Saint picks YOU. I was disappointed in the one that picked me. I didn't know him. But in looking him up and reading about him it became VERY clear that he did, in fact, pick me as I had a connection to him and his "story."
My husband felt compelled to print out the list himself the following year. We made our own basket. Prior to picking we instructed the children...and reminded pray for the saint that "we need" to pick us. We pray to learn from them. Soon, others were picking from our basket or asking us to for them. We always did so prayerfully and we were continuously hearing that the saint was VERY meaningful to many. They would write us back about how the Saint's date meant something to them, or the name, or the saint's story...Also, some saints stick around. Year after year they come out of the basket just to a different family member.
Does any of this answer your question? Would you like me to prayerfully pick saints for your family? I could do so now, or wait to the new year.
God bless.
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