We have many squirrelly visitors and we've named many of them. There's Squirrelious Caesar, Crassus, Pretty Girl, Big Belly, Poopie-on-the-Grill, Big Ears, Pirate, the late, great Chitty-Chitty Bang- Bang and C.C.B.B.2, Twitchy and Boozer.
This new guy has earned the name FLAT Stanley.
He's always spread out flat, sunbathing!
It could be worse....they could be armed.... ....and dangerous!
There's a New Squirrel in town ~ Flat Stanley
Reviewed by Allison
12:58 PM
Rating: 5
Hahahahaha! I used to buy squirrel food for our squirrels... they were almost tame. However, when our next door neighbor told my husband he had squirrels in his attic, I stopped. My husband did not "tell on me," but I figured I better stop! :-)
WELCOME TO THIS PHOTO - JOURNAL celebrating the traditional, Roman Catholic faith ... in words and images. I believe that Catholicism & The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are the GOOD, the TRUE and the BEAUTIFUL in this life. With my camera and my words, what better f o c u s could I share on this blog? The first post appeared in May of 2007, when I started homeschooling my 4. In 2011, this blog was the reason we traveled to Rome, to participate in the VATICAN BLOGGERS MEETING, where my goal to promote Catholic social media began. Today, 2 of my homeschoolers have graduated and study at/graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is so encouraging to have this online community, to know you are out there and to share what we learn with each other. May we do so, AMDG, for the glory of God and all for Jesus, Mary & Joseph. Totus Tuus! +JMJ+
love it !!!
Hahahahaha! I used to buy squirrel food for our squirrels... they were almost tame. However, when our next door neighbor told my husband he had squirrels in his attic, I stopped. My husband did not "tell on me," but I figured I better stop! :-)
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