The Noon Angelus

Another reason to count homeschooling a blessing....

Only one student in the room when I get my reminder email to pray the Noon Angelus.

We begin praying together, aloud.

Three other students from other parts of the house hear us and abandon their "recess" to join us, unrequested, in prayer.

I get so farklempt tears spring forth as I lead....

Is this devotion now their own?

Thank you Lord for their faith.

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

I'd be farklempting too! doesn't your heart just leap when you see your children getting it, and initiating practice in the faith? My daughter last week said she wanted to practice making the sign of the cross -- we were talking about the holy Spirit at the time, and she must've remembered that we say Holy Spirit when we cross ourselves. Oh, my heart leapt.

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