Convert me, I pray....
For the conversion of contracepting catholics....
For the conversion of ignore-Sunday-Mass (and Holy Days of Obligation) catholics...
For the conversion of catholics who worship their own intellect, viewing Church Teachings as something they can pick and choose from....
For the conversion of catholics who don't believe in or demean Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist...
For the conversion of catholics who feel it's not a big issue if someone chooses to abort the body of a beating heart within them...
(whose body is it? the voiceless babies)
(whose body is it? the voiceless babies)
And for Catholics, like myself, who need to be better examples. For we who get discouraged over nominal catholics and forget to pray for them, regularly, for their conversion and for our own...
I AM A SINNER, TOO. I NEED THE HOLY MASS & MY CATHOLIC FAITH to guide me to the life that is to come.
I AM A SINNER, TOO. I NEED THE HOLY MASS & MY CATHOLIC FAITH to guide me to the life that is to come.
Prayer to St. Anthony, intercessor for lost LOST faith....
Loving Saint Anthony you always reached out in compassion to those who had lost their faith. You were especially concerned because they had lost access to the healing words of Jesus found in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and in the nourishing presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Intercede for (name) who has stopped practicing his/her faith. Reawaken in his/her heart a love for our Church and the sacraments, and enkindle in his/her heart a sense of forgiveness for the ways he/she might have been hurt by members of the Church who fell short of the teaching of Christ.
Finally, St. Anthony, help me to respond to my own call to conversion so that I might become an example of someone who has found great peace in the arms of Christ. May the joy I experience as a Catholic be an invitation to those who are lost to come home again to the Church which we love. Amen.

How beautiful! And it ties in so nicely with what I was doing today...posting hopefully tomorrow!
Thanks so much for posting this in a blog! I loved this prayer and will be praying it today:)
Amen. Amen. Thank you for this post.
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