Someday we'll look back on this as our dark time....

6:10 PM

Some churches are "fighting the good fight." When will people with eyes SEE that "whatever you do to the LEAST of my brothers, you do unto Me?"


Melissa @ Homegrown Catholics said...

I'm all about visuals, so this was a wonderful post. Did you make the chart? Thanks for sharing!

It's just astounding - I don't think most people realize this when they are calling us Pro-lifers crazy for still approving of the war. I keep saying, it's because the war has a purpose for change for the better of many. Some lives are sacrificed, but not as many as we see here. Abortion is just plain selfishness of one or two people, sacrificing thousands a day. No good can come from it.

Allison said...

Hi Melissa, I did not make the chart. COming out of a PEA chapel I saw this...not surprising that where they honor Our Lord 24 hours in his Eucharistic presence they would have such clarity on Catholic teaching!

Allison said...

My friend Janice emailed....

"For more clarity on how we should view the slaughter of our innocents, see Randall Terry's "A Humble Plea." He is the founder of Operation Rescue, and has endured all manor of persecutions as a true warrior in this unfortunate battle for babies. I began reading with a, "yeah, tell them, Randall!" attitude, but it was not long before my own head was hung low in embarrassment at how my own assessment of the situation needed a tune-up. It is available at as a free download, but I rec. ordering the book form b/c you will want to share it and be able to get comfortable b/c you will not be able to put it down."

Thanks Janice for the recommendation.

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