Homeschooling - the studies just keep getting better and better!

10:04 AM
Homeschooling Statistics: from this link

2003--1,096,000 estimated homeschool children K-12, a 29% increase from 1999 which showed
850,000 students (general population increased only 1%) (NCES)

2007-2008--2.0 to 2.5 million homeschooled students K-12 (NHERI)

Home education grows about 5-12% per year (NHERI)

Most important reasons for homeschooling: (NCES) 31% environment of other schools 30% religious/moral 16% dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools

Rate of families who homeschool: (NCES)
White 2.7%Black1.3%Hispanic .7%
Rates are higher in families with three or more children in two parent households with only one parent in the labor force. (NCES)

HS families who used sources from the following: public library 78%hs catalog, published or individual specialist 77%retail bookstore or other store 69%non-homeschooling education publisher 60%distance media 41%(NCES)

Average income of the homeschooling family is $52,000. (HSLDA)

Cost to homeschool varies. In 1996, a national survey found one could homeschool for $546. Michal Farris, chairman and general counsel of HSLDA, states that his family home educates for approximately $200 per year for curriculum materials. (HSLDA)

"No meaningful difference was found among home school students when classified by gender. Significantly, there was also no difference found according to whether or not a parent was certified to teach." (SADC)

Children who are homeschooled "... may be more socially mature and have better leadership skills than other children ..." - Richard G. Medlin, Ph.D. (NHERI)

Recent studies demonstrate that 98% of home taught children are involved in two or more social/community beyond the home each week, including such things as 4-H, Bible Clubs, Scouts, Ballet Classes, Music Lessons, Sports, Field Trips and Sunday School. (Answers)

The Galloway-Sutton Study, which examines five success indicators, showed home schooled children (with the exception of the psychomotor) excelling above other students in the academic, cognitive, spiritual and affective-social categories. (Answers)

ACT: (2002 and 2003) homeschool average was 22.5, national average was 20.8.SAT ( 2002) homeschool average was 1092, national average, 1020. (HSLDA)

On average, homeschool students, grades 1–4, perform one grade level above their public and private school counterparts. The achievement gap grows in grade 5; by 8th grade the average home school student performs four grades higher than the national average. (SADC)

Students who have been home schooled their entire academic lives have the highest scholastic achievement. The difference is more pronounced during the higher grades; students who home school throughout high school continue to flourish while in that environment. (SADC)

Kate Grossman, Chicago Sun-Times reported noted, "The number of homeschoolers receiving National Merit Scholarships has increased more than 500 percent: from 21 in 1995 to 129 in 2003." (HSLDA)

Dr. Michael Donahue, Director of Admissions for Indiana University - Purdue University, has spent the last several years researching home-schooled students.
"The home school group has about a 3.0 GPA their freshman year," Donahue said. "In the entire freshman class, the GPA is between a 2.3 and a 2.4. They are well prepared. They're self starters. Faculty, in general, enjoy having them in class because they know how to do things independently." (Answers)

More than 74% of home schooled adults 18-24 years-old have taken college classes as opposed to 46% of the general population. (HSLDA)

Dr. Gary Knowles, the University of Michigan, studied home educated adults.
"None were unemployed and none were on welfare, 94% said home education prepared them to be independent persons, 79% said it helped them interact with individuals from different levels of society, and they strongly supported the home education method." (NHERI)

Homeschooling statistics show 71% of home taught adults participate in at least one on-going community service/37% of similar general population. (HSLDA)
95% said they were glad they were home educated. 82% planned to home school their children. (HSLDA)

Homeschooling statistics, however useful, are but a shadow of true homeschooling. The full story is apparent only in the committed families who have lovingly chosen to educated their children at home.


Michele said...

i remember mom home schooling us for awhile, and it was far better to learn at home than at a school. it was fun too. she'd make learning fun and easy. it was a good time, but also a great learning experience. i think home schooled kids do far better than kids that go to school. i know i did better!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating stats. It seems more and more families are opting to home educate. Over here in the UK there are quite a few single parents homeschooling. It is very difficult -but a lot of mums are trying their best.
I'm glad I am homeschooling my little lot.

Christine said...

Even though I do not homeschool, I know that good families make good kids. Homeschooling is such a good thing. And homeschooling moms are blessed!

I can tell you have a great passion for teaching.

Moni said...

I always wonder where they get these stats. No one every asks me anything! *grin

As you said, the proof is in the pudding. Somehow all the stats seem to "ruin it" for me. Reduces homeschooling to . . . I don't know. . .education?


Moni said...

I always wonder where they get these stats. No one every asks me anything! *grin

As you said, the proof is in the pudding. Somehow all the stats seem to "ruin it" for me. Reduces homeschooling to . . . I don't know. . .education?


Allison said...

To any reader, the sources for these studies are found by clicking on the link to original article. :)


Hi Christine!

So good to hear from you. We all want what is best for our kids and I am glad that you have the same peace that I have regarding that, what a blessing!

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