Go forth and Blog, Father

I truly appreciate any time a Priest can find to share his thoughts on our Catholic Faith. That's why blogging Priests are such a treat! What a great avenue for evangelization, and for those of us hungry for Priestly insight.
There's Father Z and his celebrated blog, WHAT DOES THE PRAYER REALLY SAY.
There's Father Z and his celebrated blog, WHAT DOES THE PRAYER REALLY SAY.
There's Father V of ADAM'S ALE with a recent post on Vatican II.
(Perhaps if I google search I'd find a Father W, X and Y?)
Today, on my daily visit to Elena's TEA AT TRIANON, I found a new Priest who blogs under the title, ORTHOMETER. Wow! Did he lay out the whole issue in relation to the Fr. Francis of EWTN situation....
Cardinal Ruini was quoted recently as encouraging our Fathers to blog...and I am once again grateful for the time they take to "talk" to me.
Who are your favorites?
Thanks for these great links! I look forward to checking them out.
Oh! I had a ball looking at Orthometer. He's a riot. Thank you for posting that. You are a very good blogger and I thoroughly enjoy reading it. Keep it up!!
Thanks ladies!
SnowMamma, what a nice compliment!
Blogging allows me to meet so many nice people, like yourselves.
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